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Friday, November 29, 2013

Congregate Role playing protector iv.vi more mercenary game uniting 24 wave magic ddefence strategygame

My feeble protest again to use shareaholic to share game sprites through shock wave flash files to put games at www.bored.com as quests in sequel to protector iv.v .In the game magic defence orcs,trolls,and magic assailants are there.protector iv.v is a mouse based game just like protector iv.v where units placed by mouse. in magic defence on green grass. numbered sequential waves can be called .usually 15 waves in magic defence.10-15 on more easy ones in protector iv.v. there are 24 defence sets to complete in magic defence.in protector iv.v 20 hero commanders plus ones unavailable due to low leadership are available. so send three commanders each of the twenty to the 24defence set ups or just hire them to cover 19 and finish most of game. the foot units of prottector cost less than those in mage defence.23 gold pieces for crossbowman compared to 50 in the other game .mages less than the 75 for druids or knights..also adding requisition form for towers and units from magic defence to protector iv.v store is desire. It is possible use requisition forms to assign cappabilities of otherfactions such as:Raiders of Hill Home,Legion of tyria, councl of the magi,Arkandia. not to mention the 8 or 6 dollar units in gaddy's castle defence and alien invasion games.or requistion scrolls to equip units froom the game Stalin Grad.

Brainwashing in online Role Playing Games and others.

1. The Tavern=saloon in western so put together. 2.feudal system no revolution premise in each game. 3.repetitiveactions using same weapons ending in defeat[war tune] 4.the upgrade and quest grind system. 5.use of gold or using sex to sell games of same type. 6.Trayvon,WAR tUNE, cROWN qUEST, kING'S bOUNTY, fEUDALISM 1-3. 7.bRAINWASHING FEATURING WOLF SLAWING lEGEND OF THE VOID 1 AND 2. 8.BRAINWASHING FEATURING KILLING SAME set of cultists over and over again in Legend of the void 1-2. 10 the low leadership phrase in protector iv.v 11. investing points in skill sections in protector iv.v such astactical point,magic,mercantile,and ranged points,wisdom points in skill section do nothing but used up anyway. 12.the play again option in gamesor games with no update options . 13.name already taken brainwashing in logins for games. 14 putting prices on role playing game programs since all the same. 15.the sword hero single hero quest model. 16.strategy tower defence games such as Cursed gems no update. 17.www.bored.com games. that replaces all as place for old games to kongregate. 18.leaving option only to share same games to site with add this .com button. 19. using same type of enemies in same games,orcs,goblins,zombies,war locks,witches,vampires,and skeletons,slimes.

list of brainwashing in books.

1.White Heat a weatern featuring JohnSlocum western featuring prison. 2. Lando by Louis L'amour . 3.Once A hero by Elizabeth moon. 4.Rules of Engagement by elizabeth moon. 5.The hunting trilodgy sporting chance.winning colours,and hunting party. all reinforce ideas of military and space service and weaponry ot constitutions as computer programs. 6.The civilized man being less alert than barbian idea in Conan The Warrior or Wanderer. 7.The Long Arm series by Tabour Evans emphasizing guns not magnetic shields and recycled racist attitudes about being surprised to see Indian off reservation. 8.The Lone Star series by Tabour Evans brainwashing reinforcing gun play and wolf stereotypes. 9.The Diamond Back series reinforcing gambling for money. 10.The Saloon emphasis in all westerns. 11.The same with bar in fiction and film and example The Handsome Harry film starring Aidan Quin. 13.The Kingdom idea in Deeed of Paksennarion and King of the north.limts of power. 14.Harold Coyle books. 15.military non fiction. 16.Rick Shelley books. 17.John Ringo book cally's war involving idea of rape by military police of character cally. 18.john ringo's ghost were rape is again topic this time syrian comandos and fundamentalist muslims. 19.The Golden Eagle mack bolan an executioner books and stony man books the usual nuclear weapon or terrorist muslim motif. 20.The Gordon R. Dickson book Soldier Ask Not for reason should as why weapons and not force field to contain enemies.

propaganda and Brainwashing in film Con Air and others.

1.Examples of brainwashing reinforced by manacled prisoners in Con Air starring Nicholas Cage. 2. Fled starring Stephen Baldwin where prisoners manacled. 3.Mac Guyver episode. 4.The Fugitive series starring Jansen and Harrison Ford 1995 Film The Fugitive. 5.Shaw Shank Redemption though about exposing corrupt use of prisoners. 6. route 66 horror film of highway haunted by ghosts of prisoner chain gang a bad film. 7.For The Term of Your Natural Life t.v.series based on work by Charles Dickens about chain gangs. 8. I was a member of chain gand movie [1940's]. 9.Attica as prison brainwashing . 10.Short Eyes. 11.Burn notice short stint by characterFiona. 12.Stir Crazy starring gene wilder. 13 .Ernest Goes to Jail same thing. 14. Stallone film Lock Down. 15.guy pierce film lock out. 16.science fiction film the Fortress. 17.Rutgaur haur film involving exploding neck lets. 18 running man starring arnold schwarznegger involving exploding neck lets. 19.10the or 11th kingdom fantasy prison. 20 HELL in Christian mythology. 21.Steve Allen film about getting out of prison. 22.Blues brothers film about getting out of prison. 23. The escape about escaping from prisons. 24.levesque film about getting out of prison. 26.The mack intosh man starring Paul newuman. 27. 3:10 to yuma western. 28.There was a Crooked man starring kirk douglas.

Advertising propaganda=Genocide as defined by U.N. dEFINITION OF GENOCIDE.

Propaganda that is advertising for commercial mass markett purposes has the result and intent of destroying nations in whole or part by attacking the communities of nations by decrying the interests of communities owning means of production and saying owning means of production which is Communism was not desirable.Also attacking communities for backinginterests and well being of the people in them. A statement was made by a Holocaust survivor that he was not a communist but that is wrong since communities provide the structure of nations by providing citizens with means of production for benefit of communities. So to prevent genocide a person and U.N. need to support communities owning means of production.All genocide except water wars has attacking community right to own means of production as part of such. A genocide occured in U.S.A. from 19th century-1991 . This involved advertisement propaganda and attempt to destroy u.s.a. in whole or part that is supress the advocaes of communities owning means of production. the peak of genocide in U.S.A. was Mcarthyism and 1950's . The F.B.I. was complicit in gocide in U.S.A. since it investigated people who did support communities owning means of production. The television and$ sign and brainwashing were part of it.The forcible transfering of one group to another group was done through F.B.I. and television mind control.also accusing flm makers of community as being communist since film was owned by the communities.Film companies like Paramount pictures sought to supress community owned film by promoting ideas payig was desirable and those who advocated community ownership of film were part of a wrong syste.Communists that is community members were investigated and shut down by F.B.I. for not supporting for profit theatres.it was implied there was no other way to do things but pay for ticketts.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

New Democratic Party,Liberal Party of Canada, and Green Party of Canada.and candian charter anti-malware computer program.

1.New Democratic Party to back canadian charter rights and Freedoms anti-malware computer program. 2.Liberal Party to back canadian charter rights and freedoms computer program. 3.Green Party of canada to back it. 4.Animal Rights Environmetalist Alliance to back it. 5.Communist Party to back it.

Prison Planet.com,Intel Hub.com, and Alex Jones.

Bill of Rights PREAMBLE ANTI-MALICIOUS COMPUTER PROGRAM CAN BE USED TO SCAN FOR SPYWARE AND ANSWER CONCERNS OF THOSE ON THOSE SITES. Also for concern over no fly lists Green Peace environmentalist organization can be called to distribute pamphlets on how jet fuel consumption harms the environmet just like they did through the 1960's. they also would not touch passengers in innapropriate manner such as TSA accused of doing . Magnets counter bullets . ACLU,PRISON PLANET.COM , Intel Hub.com ,Info Wars.com all can help develop anti-spyware and anti-mslicious computer program which mightprevent missile attacks. After all the liberties of U.S.A. are what citizens need to apply to protect the u.s.a. The U.S. Bill of Rights will not grope your crotch but might stop a bomb or missile going off by scanning for such. The U.S. Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution is good for mine sweeping as well. Though how Free speech applies to mine which seeks to blow your leg off is another matter.the provisions agains tyranny should be sufficient to disarm mines used against any civil liberties types. similiar with constitutions of France and Germany could be used.The Palestinian Constitution can be used also to keep the peace in Israel and Palestine just as the Israeli one.provisons about removing tyrannical government in both places in constitutions of each should be good enough to stop deaths on both sides. Universal Declration Human Rights as computer program also would be good..

David Koresh,National Guard U.S.A, and U.S. Bill of Rights Preamble.

What David Koresh and the civil liberties interviwer for Freedom Advocates were looking for was a National Guard which protects the U.S.A. by removing real estate signs and shutting down real estate offices and backing owning means of production in U.S.A. communities accompanied by singing the Internationale: Arise you servile masses arise and break your chains for reason thuners in revolt! or if you prefer the stanza about standing up racist oppresion and defying it's guns. lET NO WALLS HOLD HUMANITY APART OF STEEL OR STONE .MEANING PRISONS AND TYRANNICAL GUNS. tHAT INCLUDES THE WALLS OF iSRAEL keeping out Palestinians. This sort of thing is difficult to do in U.S. Elections the idea of unity of human race since corporatism is opposed to it. Also irony on internet can be found in remote servrs closing items testing racism like this:http backand/ uchicago/edu center. exact addess does not matter racism is the point.The search engine suggested checking to see if racism was spelled correctly and returned zero results for racism in the search engine .perhaps deleted from search engine. also vvortex.com forum which featured a video game testing racist bias did not matcch the certificate of the shhoter test site so was reccomended rejected because site not secure. With problems with mailer demon rejecting emails no wonder.even if emails contained mention of opposition to racism would get message like this:

page 96 on Eldon Taylor's Mind programming describes Civil Rights gun advocate David Koresh

Gun activist and cicil rights backer David Koresh posted a You Tube vodeo about a demonstration with shoulddered rifles to illustrate protection of right to bear arms in Washington D.C. tHIS kORESH MIGHT BE CONFUSED WITH THE ONE ATTACKED AT wACO tEXAS.tHE SAME ONE who was accused belonging to a cult.The same person who warned of the Government FBI and ATF coming after him.Just like other people descrying seizure of guns and gun legislation. A book about Branch Davidians then was false in that Koresh might not have been in Waco Texas when F.B.I. or ATF attacked a compoud there. It might have been a food prepper compound or survivalist compound stocked with food and guns to prepare for disater and oil crisis. The policy of the U.S. Government had been to ignore environmentalism and doscourage communities owning means of production.Communities which did that are called Communist.So mind control blocked U.S. Green Party in 1970's and later when propaganda books on cults put out by CIA publishing companies as part of PSYOPS.Koresh also advocated revolution or said that one might be required to change things or was asked about how such might occur in U.S.A. and if those who did not fight in it could be termed revolutiionary. What was sought were anti-brainwashing measures and unity of community to own means of production. The mind control and denial of voting rights is such in u.s.a. that no hope is seen there only by taking control of means of production did Koresh see hope.Of course corporate interests oppose this denouncing a society without sublliminal propaganda featuring sex and violence as totalitarian.

On Mind Programming by Eldon Taylor .

That the colour green is associated with witches and witch face paint might explain why The U.S. Green Party and others has so much trouble winning elections.That environmentalism associated with a positive colour green the colour of growth was warpd by The Church and propagandists of criminology and faxscists in 1600's explains why Environmentalist parties and electoral system have troubles today.Propaganda in the feudal system was like Conservative and Right Wing Propaganda maligning medicare and a good medical system since otherwise the ruling class would have to take responsibility. The Wizard of OZ is not seen as propaganda in it;s caricature of curved nosed old women. Eldon Tayloragain points out how religious propaganda influences people to get cigarettes because associated with the Devil and Green the colour of witches and red for Hell. The add is for a brand he calls XYZ Ciggarettes.would have thought the association with devil would have opposite effect. For sure carttoons denounced the demon Rum and whisky and beer alcholism by depicting a devil encouraging a person to drink and the angel on his shoulders to abstein. Anti-drinking propaganda.There is also the propaganda of the rays of sun behind Jesus Christ resembling that of the Mind Control Flag of England. The red and blue mind control flag with cross in centre and rays at angles.

Mind Programming by Eldon Taylor

Propaganda of advertisers states that the viwer of ads desires the ads and not Communism. Coercion is imposed on the viewer and propaganda that interests of community in owning means of production denounced. Propaganda with subliminal sexual and violent images would still not be desire of public with free choice of Communism and environmentalism. The police or example are required to prevent citizens from just driving off in cars sold at car dealerships and also supplying these for free as community taxi service or automated public service. Again as stated 1900's-1974 mention of The U.S. Green Party and environmentalism is ignored by propaganda about Henry Ford mass produced cars. The queston of whether publc wishes such does not arise . The Automotive Unions have pay issues as interests rather than not making cars at all and shifting to another industry or making non oil based car. The problem for the environmentalist is the appeal of the car has been lost due to oil pollution as has the commercial penis shaped plane. Mind control is prevalent in Theatre line ups and buying of ticketts and it being implied that paying to see a feature was desire. Also the public is not annoyed at not being abe to access the film so it reprrsents important electoral views such as Communism,environmentalism ,Liberalism ,and Conservative ideas for citizens inclined to that. The public then has only letters and opinion pieces in local news out lets to express their desires. No petition section or vote organization sections in the news .No Forums to sign up to in the news. No forum which implements policy. No anti-malicious software or anti-daware programs to remove film previews in theatres. Also public libraries placing film reels ,dvds,and videos on shelves would preclude advertising requirements since visitor makes choice. Propaganda is not required.The sole purpose of it is to imply it is required at all.