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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Page 86 Keena techno creep says terms clicked on not actually read

Terms are usually blah,blah ,product can be used by you but we retain sole rights,blah,blah,blah.do you agree blah blah blah.If assholes would only defend the fucking constitution then people could quit whining about it.Or provide people with serious computer security programs such as u.s. bill of rights preamble computer program or Canadian Charter Rights and freedoms as computer program and one based on principles of Liberty,Equality,and free speech.Right to assembly online.
None will help so people like Keenan should shut the fuck up.N.D.P.Liberal Party,U.S. Democrat Party,Republican Party has done fuck all to knowledge so again Keenan types shut the fuck up.

Page84 brainwashing Synqera anklebracelets keenanbook techno creep

Since 1993 or 1995 ankle bracelets and house arrest has been in use in British Columbia.
Page 84 suggests a law abiding citizen would not have heard of the ankle bracelets or the company.No actually British Columbia  news papers  featured articles on house arrest for crimes such as shop lifting and listed as alternative to imprisonment or jail.The Secret Police funded by U.S.A. since 1949 placed Socialist opponents to capitalism and genocide under house arrest.The idea was to suppress the right to own production by South American communities so corporations such as United Fruit and Coca Cola could profit toff cheap labour of workers.Nike the shoe corporation with the motto Just Dot it also benefited from the arrest of dissidents by secret police.Just Do it indeed.Accroding to sources the balls of socialist men were electrocuted by alligator clips a favourite torture technique.

Brainwashing words insurance,shopper,and sell crop up and insurance again

The word intelligence 1 time.
2.Shopper 2 times.
3.Mall tenant 1 time.
4.intelligence 2 times.
5.company 3 times.
6.1wrong side of law.
8.marketing firm called Renew London.
13.employee network.
14.high roller

Brainwashing page 80 keenan book implying English Government not owner of intelligenc

For the second time it has been implied that a company owns anything in UK .Page 80 describes the intelligence company in UK called Foot Path Intelligence.The first time was to imply a Hong Kong Buisiness Man was doing a deal with the largest mobile phone provider in The UK .That would be the Governments of Scotland,Ireland,Wales,and England according to a June or August 20`5 article.Also be owned by the citizens of each nation. A sore has become a place you pay for things and not something you put food in to get later.
You are called a person who steals for getting something out of a food store with giving someone pieces of paper with numbers and faces of 145 year old founders of your nation.Faces such as Thomas Jefferson,Benjamin Franklin,George Washington or in Canada Laurier,John D. Mac Donald,and The Queen of England.
Instead people who go to stores are called shoppers.Also marketers are though to be advertisers instead of people who who stand behind counters selling items.Sensors were placed in bins measuring smart phone data.Rewards cards are used to track information.Receipts and data were already in cash registers.

Brainwashing page 71 tehno creepsecurity guards arrest people for shop lifting.

Brainwashing prevents understanding that principles of equality mean everything in store is free.The Bay a store in Vancouver  is where the security guards arrested a student from a public school.
Cameras in mannequins in the store recording the student taking the items.
Mind controll is being applied to imply citizens are not free to take items and restock items.
Citizens are being called thieves and equality called into question.Infringement of civil liberties and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.the principle all are equal and have equal rights.
The technology is not the problem but the attitude behind it.
The understanding that use of security systems are to oppress and designate citizens as thieves is hard to maintain.

Brainwashing page 72 of keenan's Techno Creep a Security guard says no skateboarding

Page 72 describes a security system in a public housing area which is connected to loud speakers in a guard room.A guard tells a boy in a red hoodie no skate boarding there.
The tern security is used twice on the page.

Propaganda Brainwashing pages 68-71 of Techno Creep book by Thomas P. Keenan

Pages 68-71 make use of the word insurance five times.The word company appears four times.
Rental appears twice.The pattern of use of the words reinforces a way of though suggesting is normal.Brainwashing works by being repetative.Keenan is brainwashing himself in the book.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Propaganda Brainwashing page 61 of author Thomas P. Keenan book

Brainwashing implying an employer is relevant or would base hiring decisions by looking at your Face book account and what was found.The methods of hiring are criminal record check ,a resume,and seeing if you have the skills the employer is seeking.
Another book Dark side of the internet pushes the view point your employer is relevant.
To a Communist or factory or automotive worker less so.Also to a carpenter.They already have their skills and need only use them.an employer is a con.Not of the fraud con but a con.

The Beastmaster II full movie

iframe width 459 height 344 src https://www.youtube.com/embed/dtFSmqaJEFw frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pages30-33 of Thomas P. Keenan book Technocreep propgandize facial recognition

Page 30 of Techno Creep by Thomas P. Keenan suggests Facial Recognition technique  would be used in motor vehicle registry to determine fraud by measuring facial features.I.C.B..C uses the feature which was said to be of interests to law enforcement.Not shutting down real state offices or preventing corporations from taking public buildings or local saw mills.The Rothchilds were behind much of that worldwide.The film Die Hard which featured a SWAT Team sent in to support The Nakatomi Corporation in New York without police batting an eye was a case in point.The existance of Hollywood 20th Century Fox Corporation and copyright laws also bolsters point that police serve as corporate security guards.See a group of armed men lead by a man named Hans seized control of the building and the plot followed the formula of the police asking what their demands were.not neccessary the group of men should just be returning control of the building to City Hall and the U.S. Public.The demand for the police to do their job is known by everyone on the planet not to be possoble to fulfill.The film maker Michael Moore himself asked a member of The NYPD why he did not arrest those running Proctor and Gamble a major U.S. Corporation.The answer is the police have been trned in security guard types.Also socialism a system of owning means of production is propagandized against.The u.s. bill of rights would grant armed Americans to seize the building but no force would be required for reason Unions would join unless brain dead.security guards pose a problem being brainwashed or robots.