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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Looting Propaganda implying citizens do not own n means of production.

Propaganda implies citizens loot that a system of owning means of production and co operation was not in place.Invading armies which sack cities loot.

Communism versus Bank Roll Propaganda.

Communism and owning means of production would help with the problem of not having enough money for reason the monetary system was the problem.
An empty treasury is the perfect opportunity to dispense ith a monetary system.
The police are often tools to enforce the monetary system.
To instill in people a sense of responsibility to protect each other and the skill to do so would help.
Non police could use the courts the same as police still use the Jury and Trial system.
There is much talk of people using the principles of the third eye and high concsiousness. with enlightenment there is no murder or rape so no need for a police force.

propaganda again.

Commander In Chief