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Thursday, June 28, 2012


all natural disaters then blamed on terrorism

the poisedon film would seem to indicate it is the policy of the u.s.a. is to blae earth quakes and 100 foot waves on terrrists . for example the earth quake in bam on terrorists and any turbulence or wind strorms on terrorists and alter the contents of of films like towering Inferno ,Volcano , Twister , andatagory 7 about a storm. in catagory 7 the antiterrorist agent plays a vengefull christian who abducts the children of important families for the reason that a bible passage states the first born will be taken .the passage refers actually either to forcess of evil taiking the first born for scarafice or children being slected by god  for prrserving humanity from distruction.
anyway catagory 7 s and other things like tornados seem exciting enough it bothers me that where natural disaters happen that gun waving added.

New Poisoden adventure rogo chracter propaganda

The chracter played by a the actor in chuck the accidental spy a known player of C.I.A. and the chracter of jayne in fire fly starred as propagandist home land security type or sea marschal .

the 100 foot wave was not the plot but starts with raid in terrorist planning centre .
a man who looks like a member of a rock band dressed in a leather jackett wecomes a white architectwho enter the building and speaks in a fake snister voice .
then most or gunned down easy as eating pie .
the plans for poisedonship are missed.
dissappointment is furthered by there being no wave but the plot is bear barrelsand explosives not tsunami encountered at sea.the funny thingis the chracter rogo hits the supposed terrorist in the face with a hand gun the bad guywho looks like scretary koffi annan of the united nations in the face with a gun and then people asked why the man was so full of hate that he would want to destroy the ship.getting whacked by a gun and told how horrible you are would encourage that i would think.

Friday, June 15, 2012

war is based on deceiving into no magnet use

the game call of Duty 3 has a quote stated by the designers that warfare is about deception .

this is true much of that at least with regard to facscism is deceiving the public into not using the conductive capacity of water to fryy fascist troops with electricity. the same premise can be fund in designing and selling video games. for if it is ever understood there is truly but one premise green marxist revolution in role playing games then no money could be made no more. all the monster slaying is but side quest in end of feudalism in fantasy game.the dragon or troll would know all the gold and silver would best be put to use hiring merenaries and guards .you will notte tales based on st. george and the dragon or siegried or sigurd have a dragon hoard. or the east of the sun west of the moon collection features that.

Scorpion King 3 and non magnetic Akkadian king

The Scorpion King  3 starring bill y zane, Ron Perlman, and voctor webster features an early scene where a man punches the main character who is tied up hanging from the ceiling and says;''the only thing you Akkadians are good at is destruction look at what you destroyed not able to save a 3000 year old civlization. okay again magnets missing . it is clear through entire film steel swords in use .
so the chracter escapes and is hired to guard the book of the dead possed by king horus ally of a powerfull king probably of egypt. an norse ally is supplied to the akkadian but when they arrive there a detachment of the enemy seeking the book have attacked the palace.

there is also a scene where a sarcastic comment about charging into a palace yelling swords out.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Racism IN THE RICHARD Gere film brooklyn's finest

In the film Brooklyn's Finest  it is inferred by the police chief or other high ranking cop at the precinct station that precinct 57 is a high crime area and there is a scene where first of all a high school student is robbed and shot by the police who claim he is a drug dealer.

after that a group of other students black students are potrayed as talking about how crazy the shooting was and then potrayed as setting up drugs for sale.

then there is a scene at s night club  where a group of black men who look like something out of a 1970's film or a rapper super star group  with a bunch of gold chains  hanging over their chests set up the main dealer played by snipes to do a deal he did not want to do so the police could arrest him. the chracter of snipes had said several times he had ceased activity 10 years ago and did not want any more.

then there is the phrase by the under cover drug cop played by don cheadle who says to a white f.b.i. type are we even on the same planet. so I wonder is he saying the whole film is bogus and if so why not say so.http:www.twentith century fox.com

Friday, June 1, 2012

Integrating Hot Fuzz with Resident evil and Dragon heart

To integrate the stories of Hott Fuzz and Dragon heart all required is for evil chracter einon to leaern of the t virus of the umbrella corporation and have the labs of  the umbrella corporation located below the village the chracter from hot fuzz is required. also a time machine plot could be used  to get into the Just Visiting film starring Jean Reno and  be put innto a cup for  thibault to drink. and then the alien vs. predator films or aliens  films starring john hurt and signoury weaver could be used for resident evil or the aliens from that. then the concepts of dante's inferno. the film shaun of the dead satire like wise. could also gt into fantasy with ogres ,trolls and dragons running rampant in the country side.  a bunch of F.B.I. ogres eating those suspected of copyright infringement maybe. disguised ogres.

Hot Fuzz satire and character who took political class

the character in Hot Fuzz film it is said took political class  and also said the moral authority is all that keeps a police in authority . so as an expert in political knowledge the hero of hot fuzz would have hear of marxism and the working class so he would not have chased say a shop lifter like at the village he was reassigned to.

in aaddition it is interesting to note the chracter says pay close attention to what i say what do you see .
that to his partner .perhaps what people would see would be a hammer and sickle sign maybe and see people singing the internationale maybe in farsi as well .
the chracter also is potrayed as in urban pacification in riot gear but claims everything is about paper work and that his note book has been veery usefull saved his life countless times .maybe waving the communist manifesto at rioters might also work and inviting them to vote marxiist.