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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ttiles like knowing the enemy war on terror beg question

I notice on the net films which depict book banning and concern over the censor ship of the book content and that the book patriot or traitorcould match in offence he title knowing the enemy the war on terror .

the book is by mary hal beck of john hopkins university . another pount is people say when you leave evil unchallenged it will triumph like during the holocaust in nazi germany .

so a person if they see a book with possible fascist pretentious tendecies thinks about recycling it so better book made of paper.also has responsibility to do so . on patriot or traitorimplying
thata  person might be traitor is to use the language of propaganda. there should be no doubt that those who uphold the constitution and free exchange of green marxist ,liberal ,libertarian, and anarchist ideas are not traitors nor even those who support native americans whose lands the u.s. army stole n the 19th century

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