Annie Leonard: How to Be More than a Mindful Consumer by Annie Leonard — YES! Magazine
Socialism and Green Marxism do what she seeks.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Brainwashing in Tom Hanks Polar Express fillm using Christmas bell with subliminal message to believe.
BRAINWASH METHID VIA SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE IN Christmas bell to believe in Santa directed at yong boy character.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Socialism on propaganda in christmas movie ELF featuring actor Will Ferrel.
Will Farrel stars in more propaganda on theme of Christmas which could be resolved by socialism.
Will Farrel is an Elf by adoption at Santa's Workshop who leaves to find his capitalist played by John Caan on Santa's naughty list.
Again owwning means of production resolves such things.So just introducing socialism saves an hour and a half of viewing just as it would the 86 minustes of Moonlight and Mistletoe .
The same pattern is found in another film The Christmas Shoes featuring Rob Lowe and Kimberly Williams.
Had the boy access to shoe patterns and cobblers tools and cobblers class he might have been able to make his mother a good pair of shoes.
The problem was that she was dying so i do not undrstand what she needs the shoes for unless to kick a corporate CEO in the balls or members of CONGRESS FOR NOT giving her adequate medical care.So some type of armouredshoe on springs would be in order.
Propaganda in Moon Light and Mistletoe Hall mark production Tom Arnold,CandaceCameron Bure,Christopher Wiehl
Propaganda in Moonlight and Mistletoe implies first the pretentious approach of being the boss of a sales place.
Having a secretary and behaving as if centre of the Universe.
This differs only from other plots in that is cover for not having Christmas spirit.
What is the true problem is lack of a political focus and socialism would have been the key to resolving the problem of the 50,000 dollar financial dificulties of Santavile around which saving the plot resides.IAN ADDITION THE POINT IS MISSED THAT MAKING TOYS AND ITEMS FOR ENJOYMENT AND GIFTSwould not require money.
Early on in the film manufactured selfcentred attitudes in requests forr x-boxes and not say college or University computer software copied and maied to Santaville and then the children who asked for such or computer software made in Santaville.
Note a copy of Socialist Appeal is not the gift and comprehension why such would be a good gift is not there.
This is by intent for reason social respondibility and socialism is not desired by money interests.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Propaganda against German community and communists of Hitler matches that of U.S.A.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Propaganda in 2010 version of The Nut Cracker starring John Tuturro .among propaganda is monarchist slant in form of nutcracker
Propaganda in The Nut Cracker 2010 film portrays the nut cracker as a Prince and not a soldier .
Also instead of being square with strong jaws and being a HUSSAAR or other type of soldier is presented as being Prince.
The original story had the nutcracker come alive but in this storey is transformed only by the snow fairy to boy or by the tears of a girl.
Propaganda in film also portrayed rats in Nazi ttpe uniforms and helmets in kingdom of rat take over of the realm of nutcracker prince.
The reference was clear to NAZI Germany as were the posters on Ratfication and it being the responsibillity to vote for it.The posters were like Hitler and Nzis reminder not to forget to vote.
propaganda in channel 4 production vikings on brother of Ragnar being in brother's shadow.
Socialism counters claim of brother of Viking Ragnar is in shadow of ragnar as western raider of england.
Socialism provides for society owning means of production and in doing renderspoints of being in shadoe irrelevant.
In addition brother of Ragnar could make reputation by hunting down paedophila in 700's Christianity.
It might have been to early for entrenched paedophila but knowing history of Caligula and Roome it might have been possible paedophila was present since a Roman Emperor became christian. The immportance of Jesus Christ is emphasised but nothing of whether paedophila in Early Christian church occured.Since Christians keep going on about their sins and lecturing on sin one woners if these priests and pastors are paedophiles.
Letters from pastors pens in sections in news papers admonish the reader about remembering the sins which caused Jesus Christ to be nailed to the cross.So was he a paedophie then? or were the priests to start with to at NICEA where decided what would be considered Christian.
Propaganda that gamers are virgin neerds and mockery on television detected at rental place.
Propaganda implying that star wars games and online gaming is desirable is first implied by advertisements which depict such as desirable by saying picture playing such with your friends and show images of Star Wars games,online,gaming and games such as World Of War Craft.
It is then implied that the person is pathetic by choice or a nerd in television films.A character with a pointy nose imitates gamers and others laugh in the back ground on a laugh track. Such portratals as a man in an extremely nerdy voice expressing desire for a girl friend are made.
Part of the strategy of the propaganda is to attack his masculinity and imply that the propaganda manipulations were not at fault but the young man.
The episode describes how the man spends all week end playinng video games and talks of playing games online .
At no point is it suggested as favourable that intellectualism be introduced into the games by introducingm any online shooting game characters to magnetic shields . Make simple adjustments and move on. Instead there is a situation where the same material sits there after any satisfaction is leached out of it.
The game is not important but the ideas behind itwhich lead to one place:Revolution in game as in life.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
propaganda,Eldon Taylor,Tech Talk,page 207 of mind programming book on wonders of technology
On page 207 Taylor Eldon writes of wonders of technology and where it might take us.Yes,Eldon it might be posible to create U.S. BIll of Righys as computer program to scan for malicious software programs.
Also Taylor Eldon might be able to with aid of technology type the name Kongregate into the search engine aand find the game protector iv.v and add a few new character porttraits to it.Technology is still lagging behind ideas.Even an update button is hard to do for the game or an economic system as in update it to socialism.It is understood why such has no occured.
But as to U.S. Bill of rights computer program idea what technology is good for is ignoring such things or not being conected to the internet.
Once scientists get their heads out of their asses like happened with the constitution in 1776 then change can hapen.
Eldon would say the view up the ass where education establishment's heads reside is beautifull and that is the truth. I am sure it is all mossy boulder equivelents in miniature.
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Propaganda,Purges,and Stalin.
Propaganda complaining about Stalin and purges of the Red Army by Stalin indicate possibility that people in the Soviet Union were able to purge their television sets of advertiseing ,t.v. entertainment propaganda,and other propaganda .
That U.S. t.v. programming had no value for the Soviet union and so was purged from television sts.
Conan The Savage.
Chapter 1.
Torches guuteredin a tavern below street level as late night gamblers played a game involving cards with tiles.
One wore aristocratic lace on his sleeves .
The sneering face of a knave was revealed on the tiles among others.
''You lose barbarian said the arisocratic type.
''No ''said,he .
Then quick as a striking adder he seized the wrist of the aristocratic type and revealed a hidden set of cards.
It was then that the thirsty sword of the barbarian drank the blood of cheaters that night among them a cavalry officer.
But oh misfortune the barbarian blundered into Four Proctors of the Night Watch and was arrested and his winnings stolen from him.
He was then sent to the brutal mines of Brythunia as convict slave labour.
The resourcefull barbarian was able to engineeer his escape by swimming away down an underground river and arrived in a forrest where he met Songa the warrior woman and slew a cave bear and roasted it for a meal.
Between that time wvil raidersunder a griffin headed banner raped the mother of someone who would later cause trouble.
the demon goddess ninga whose magic was located in doll of same name made advent in Brythunia and was responsible for death of Conan's love.he slew ninga.
The End.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Propagada in Vikings series chanel 4 production volume 1 disc 3 episode sacrafice.
Propaganda counters logic of dIE in battle belief of vikings by the voluntary sacrafice of brave warrior to appease the Gods.
Fascism also has belief better to live in the few momments of combat then to not .
that was philosophy or motto of Mussolin's combatto fascist units in fascist Italy.
Sacrafice of ghosts is common propaganda of Christians and human sacrafice is common propaganda.
Human sacrafice is Christian propaganda in reference to Lucifer ,Satan,and The Devil so is being implied VIKING TRADITIONS HAVE THAT IN COMMON BUT THAT IS FALSE.
Paedophila sex trade Bangkok china,royal families,Hong kong, Thailand,and Balkans.
Paedophila sex trade exists in Thailand,Balkans, and bankok as well as Shanghai. The Royal Family having interests in China would have acess to it as would many male tourists and CIA through MKULTRA and direct methods would recruit women who were paid for sex.
Also Royal family members would use their services or could use those of boys paid for sex in Bangkok.
Catholic priests might have used these services from the reputation The Vatican and church has.
After the collapse of Yugoslavia from Communism books claim and the media as well that trafficking in women for sex occured.there was probably a markett for paedophila as well.
Royal family peadophila,Canadian residential schooll paedophila,and Royal visits to Canada ,and CIA MKULTRA.
tHE CIA program MKULTRA might have been put to use on Native American residential school students and in addition to paedophila of visiting members of the Royal family there was the paedophila of the priests and those who ran the places.Also experiments in LSD,Scoplamine, neuerology, racial science experiments,and eugenics.Rape was also said to be part of mkultra and electric shock as well as hypnotic suggestions and brainwashing to ceate agents for CIA. aLSO ATTEMPT TO USE CHILDREN AS SPIES TO HELP FURTHER DESTRUCTION OF CULTURE OR OPPOSE THE aMERICAN iNDIAN mOVEMENT AND OTHER cIVIL rIGHTS MOVEMENTS IN 1960'S.
Propaganda,Mind Control claims that public does not own media.
Propaganda and mid control imply the public do not own the media and means of production.The public do own the printing presses, and free speech means the public can write articles themselves free of charge in news papers and create forum instead and socialist and environmentalist sections in the news.
Other mind control is MK Ultra linked to residential schools as well as pesophilia during Royal visits to Canada .members of English Parliament among them David Heath w,and Margret Thatcher were said to be involved in pedophila or knew of it and it also took place on a world wide scale perhaps also at Bilderberg meetings .Also paeadophilia might have occured in Residential schools if it happened in England.Accusations had been made in Ireland and Sccotland at manors in scotland.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
propaganda states that 40 year old stores closing in communities or that radio requires advertising.
Propaganda states that community radio cannot be had or implies that purchasing radios required so not to use public knowledge to build and run radios.
Any 40 year system requiring mention of collapse would be capitalism.the problem is wrre that to collapse on internet then so would communications on internet and for police,F.B.I, copyrightists,and NSA. Mind control implies that corporate radio storessuch as Walmart,Radio Shack,Sony ,and Sears requied.Radio Shack does not sound like a corporate store but could be using the name not to sound like that.
The main point is implied televisions require money to get. This is enforced by passing trade agreements and anti-counterfeiting laws which prohibit radio makers,t.v. makers making own Capitalism NO Google or Yahoo or Babylon search engine not funded by city of Babylon.
No capitalism also means no Softonic web search. No Internet Exploror
propaganda,USA, Warsaw Getto uprising,and gettos in U.S.A.
pROPAGANDA ON RIOTS and the portrayal of citizens throwing molotovson police cars and setting cars on fires resembles the Warsaw Getto uprising.It is supposed to resemble Molotov and the Bolshevik Revolution but more resembles the Nazisattacking the Warsaw Getto in that riot police andpolice attacking citizens are seen.the difference is that not outright being shot but beaten and arrested.the Nazis also beat political enemies with clubs.Propaganda implies that citizens have no right to defend themselves against police or that citizens use violence in the first place.
Propaganda altering pictures of G20 environment protest portrays citizens as using molotov cocktails that is rags set afire in bottles and thrown sat police and cars being set on fire. put in reality a different picture of car on fire was pasted into the photo just as in all the environmental protests.
The police confuse environmentalists with Anarchists or molotov types. The same can be seen in riot police attacks on environmentalist protesters.the police seem unable to understand the concept of right to assembly and non violence.I suppose it might be the police are Vikings,robots or fascists.
Propaganda in A.V. Times naming Premier Christy Clark as having star power in buisiness trip to China.
Propaganda with the date 12/12/2013 featuring premier Christy Clark as well as propaganda of buisiness visit to China of city council of Port Alberni detected.Propaganda like this is repeated in U.S.A. propaganda out lets in New York Times,Wall Street Journal, and the A.V. Times CIA sponsored paper.
The RCMP and CIA sponsored or put A.V. Times and many other papers out as a sting operation to net socialists and as propaganda to counter socialism. These papers are corporate propaganda pieces belonging to the Glacier Media Group.Examples can be seen in saying Barlow's home entertainment closed down after 40 years.Also the flyers advertising corporate stores like Walmart,Staples, Home Depot,and the mall. perhaps things become even worse and become nostalgic even for those due to a corporation expanding continental size.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
more propaganda of and human sacrafice among vikings.
More Christian propaganda implying vikings got slave girls drunk and killed them and put with dead lord who they set ablazze on viking ship.that bit of brainwashing has been perpetuated by film and television as well as fiction.
Other stupidity is a warning that Interpol would come after people who copy the film.
This after the story of Raagnarok meaning the earth burns and Global Warming happens.of course the fire giant Surt is said to do this but burning lots of oil in cars sounds also like that.Anyway the warnersfail to grasp the point that copyrigts are least of problems. even if a fearless band of warriors slaughtered Interpol after taking offence still more films would profit off that and warnings continue.
Propaganda emphasised again in episode Trial of Vkings where destruction of Christian Holy places is done by king.
That film productions is based in UK exlains why propagsnda featuring a monarch expressing outrage over incursions and attacks on a Christian monastery was done.Also the propaganda ignores intent to form Holy Roman Empire by Charlamagne and intent of church in Rome to promote that and in so doing promote a Ctrusade against non Christiansand those not in favour of the power structure.The Vking raids would not come as a surprise then.
P[ropaganda of the church portrays it as a bunch of poor lost lambs innocent of why the big bad vikings are raiding.
One such monk tries to break the mind control but is attributed to religious not political propaganda and reduced the word sin or translated as such later from Bible instead of as propaganda .
Mind control,brainwashing, Japanese and Nanking women soldiers mutiny in Japanese Army,rape in u.s.a. Army.
The propaganda purposes of 1914-1918 world war were best served by omitting the role woman foot soldiers played .
also the assumptions of use of guns and not magnetic shields.
There was also the issue of rape in all European Armies of the time and mutiny by women serving in the foot soldier units in army.
Mutiny also existed from 900's-16th century . It is not known at what point women were disarmed and refused into armed forces but The Norman Conquest would have been a definite key time such would be done .The Holy Roman Empire and again during Roman Empire.
Every imperalist set up seeks to ignore the contributions of women to armed forces or that is obvious most would not side with Roman Legions.As socialists
say the most backward elements of society are attracted to fascism. androman wmpire was.
Mind Control entrenched in 14th century not so much 900's.
Mind control of the sort where it might seem proper for a fedual Lord's guards to show up and kill a blacksmith for building ships which would improve the revenue of the lord was not yet viable so the exeedingly stupid Lord in Vkings would have had the authority of Mayor and the TING or Thing descibed as equivalent to courts would not have been same as authority of feudal lords of 14th century.
Vkings were not an aristocracy but raiders and pirates in portrayal of the record.
Also if any man made an attempt to rape a woman the other women would have knifed him and deposited the body where it would not be found.
Mind control states that women not part of Socialist Red Army. Why not? Brain washing of 14th century not firmly established so socialism a possibility even Socialist Union and communists from the North set sail to help allies or fight vikings.human potential being what it is 900's would be socialist
The proletsriat types would be the stone workers,ship wrights, loggers,and farmers. The question is how Normans were mind controlled to invade communist union in Europe.What really happened was communists fought monarchists . a monarchy is a system of hereditary ownership of money an ultimate form of capitalism where citizens mind controlled to accept control of their lands and money supply.counterfeit money.the law orginally was only the money of an elected government or that of the Socialist Union could be used or tender.he monarchists imply that their coin is legal but it is not being achieved through conquest so socialist and elected government money representing founders of nation legal or that representing workers the hammer and scythe.
Mind Control,human potential and offensive viking Knute saying come her slave to woman and raping her . also copyright of series
On the subject of human potential by Eldon Taylor the woman that knute the viking raped after saying come here slave might have had some good techology ideas like magnets.also she was daughter of the black smith and probably not a slave .
Also the word was thrall not slave and this had meaning of mind controland was inreference to Sorceress who had enthralled the warriors of Northern
Eurpe to fight wars of conquest in rest of Europe including England.a mind control collar as well as hynotic suggestions through jewlerry,jewls in the crown and subliminals on weapons would have been used.also hidden in proclamations and religious manuscriptsas well as paintings.naturally word sex and kill put in paintings,tapestries and hidden in clothes.all obey ,no independant thought,and consume.
An obvious choice would be ads for ale a choice of Norsemen .already propaganda suggesting that is choice is made in stories and Sagas so product placement
whether intent or not.that similiar is done with saloon in western might not be coincidence.
Mind Control in vkings arts and entertainment series volume 1, Eldon Tatlor's belief in human potential,and history mind control
The support of human potential that Eldon Taylor would supply to humans is countered by min control in Vkings volume 1 of arts and entertainment sries where The Vking leader has a young boy killed to maintain power.
The Earl as he is called or JARL maybe another version of fascism asks the dreams of the boy before killing him.
The boy might have known of the properties of magnets and effect on steel swords or about sulfur deposits in hills of Northern Europe where vikings where said raid from. The boy is buried with the treasure from the raid of an English monastery .
The intent is clear to mind control the population just as was done in the feudal system.
The sherriff was there to ensure guns or magnetic technology remained unknown.
Other examples of killing boys in ignorant fashion can be found in the film The Eagle whereroman legions defeated in Scottish highlands by The Picts and remaining legionaires take turns rescuing each other and in process kill a boy who might have contributed even more to roman legion defeat or have been of benefit to Rome.The assumptios though were such that any human potential was not sought in slaves or otherwise.
Spartacus who led a slave civil rights campaign would have helped any such human potential by looking for things to defeat the Romans.Magnets,magnesium a latin or roman sounding name would be one such.Gunpowder another thing to develop.It is obvious from recordtachnology was supressed untill 1492.
then of course in 900'sRagnar a viking would have sought to explore new lands for new weapons ,knowedge and technology.
An important point was made when a viking set fire to religious scrolls in the monastery and laughed.He[Flokki] probably knew the scrolls contained nothing of use and were either mind control or else contained instructions to compounds of magnesium and gun powder.of course if any instructios to siege weapons,force fields,and such were on the scrolls the diagrams would be obvious.
A force field or magnets would be The God protection the monks wouls use or a type of computer program.Maybe baloon patrol with ballista or archers in it
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
propaganda in Vkings Arts and entertainment series implies Christians did not loot Celtic wealth.
Propaganda decries Vikings looting Christian gold and jewels on crosses and goblets in Abbeys but neglects to mention possibility Christians loot gold and saphire flowrr arrangements from Communist Celts.
Also again implied that herditary Money system in place with four kings.Chiefs would be more accurate and a Communist set up possible in situation before feudal system mind control established.there is no solid evidence of a monarchy before 14th century.any suggestion appears to be suggestion.For sure the legend of Brian Boru and Arthur of kings uniting both places was propaganda used later by mon Geoffrey of MOURNEMOUTH TO BOLSTER THE MONARCHY.
sO AGAIN NO REASON TO ASSUME cOMMUNISTS COULD NOT HAVE EXISTED. tHE HAMMER AND SCYTHE WOULD HAVE BEEN OBVIOUS CHOICEof flag in england it being a place which grew crops and built things.also later was known as nation of shop keepers and factory of world. so again Communist.
Propaganda in Arts and Entertainment series vikings volume 1 on viking raids.
Propaganda in Vikings volume 1 of arts and entertainment history channel implies that men sexist rapists eager to assault a woman left alone by her husband who had gone to The Ting the norse law giving.
Second is the not getting into Valhalla punishment by cutting off head of accused murderer.
would not have plus that would make Vkings hypocrites .
Then there is propaganda in implying vikings were evil beats who looted monasteries and slaughtered the monks there for no reason.
witnesses could be issue but still implied only came there to loot.
Other propaganda implies none had good grasp of geography of Europe.
As if none knew where Northern Europe Was. England was not the west of the nordic nations as the leader of norse in film was correct to point out.
After all Roman Empire had occupied much of Europe so everyone probably knew where Britain was since was province of Rome.
the propaganda is like the claim of Europe not knowing about North America and carribean islands or south pacific islands.
or worse that in 20th century none knew about an Atlas which would show all nations political position and physical geographic features.
and of coursse magnetic shields unkown to vikings.
Corporate mind control and copyright interference in liberties on Vkings dvd disc1.of Arts and Enteetaiinment.
A warning on disc 1 of Complete Season 1 ok series Vikings implies ownership of culture of Nordic Nations by sayig copying films involving subject matter of history is not allowed.
message as follows;2013 IM Productions limited Vikings limited all rights reserved.
Vikings is a trade mark of IM productions. no they were not there were a people who lived during the 11th centurywho raided the coast of England.
The Vkings V design design logo ere copy right Arts and Entertainment all rights reserved.
How many petitions did Nordic citizens make against the copy right i wonder?
List Propagandists from elite squad:enemy within.
Wagner mouva.
Andre ramiro.
Irandhr santos.
maria rabirio.
seu jorge.
sandro rocha.
lula carvalho.
The Get The Story Propaganda in Elite Squad starring WagnerMoura,IRANDHR SANTOS,aNDRE rmiro
2 times a report for NHOR NEWS agency made reference to getting the story.
a third time made reference eagerness to get frontpage.
Propaganda editor says okay if you can find evidence you get the story.
Later on his hands are tied after the reporter a woman is killed while standing around to long aftermultiple pictures of evidence of perfisy of politicians is photographed .
It appears one photo and getting out of head quarters of baddies is possible but instead she waits around to get raped and murdered by the police mafia.
It being Rio De Jinro is assumed city dwellers would noy kill the cops in self defence and rescue the woman reporter for reason of self preservation.
but since like u.s. cities conditioned not to intervene by reason of oppose evil mantra that is rend reasult.
Then it might be riot police are required for the reason citizens try to prevent cotrupt police murdering and raping women.
not as if has not occured in Brazil. after all human rights are considered leftist or communist by CIA and u.s.a. 1949-1989.
Colonol Nascinto herof of Elite Squad:Enemy Within implies ideas of Liberty mess with head of his son through character Fraga.
Nascinto head of Special Police in Rio De Jeniro considers the character Fraga as good at manipulation and of messing with head of son through ideas of Liberty and prison statistics showing that 90 percent of population of Brazil woyld be in prison by the year 2038 or 2058.
Nascintosays he hased to pretend to respect the views of Fraga and that Fraga views Nascinto as a fascist for beloning to police swat team for reason use of military tactics against slums of Rio De Jinro.
the deogetory term scumbag used by Andre a member of the skulls the elite police unit before Andre made an uneccsary killing of gang leader in prison was case in point.
Then there was the mind control of showing the event on television and nascinto watching it on telvision at his house and it being implied here was the hero sunned by an ungratefull population.
Clear propaganda ploys.
Later on Andre is recruited by police mafia to help raid Tanque and after dozens of drug dealers are killed Andre beats the drug dealer leader for information leading to weapons stolen by the police mafia in a put up job.
Though Andre did not know it the brutality still gives a clue to what training the Skulls had.
Also the logo is attempt to illustrate more what fascist police would look like.
U.S.A. SWAT.just have letters on uniforms. also police tanks like U.S. DHS used in Rio De Jinnero
Elite Squad Rio De Jeniro Brazil Mind Control film 2011
The word scumbag is use 12 times in the film.
12.scum bag.
In first minutes of film 5 times at least .
This in reference to rival cartel leader who had taken over the prison wing to kill rivals.
Also the phrase doing what trained to do was used 3 times.
Other mind control methods were making reference to pirated television channels and on back of box references to helping with video piracy.
The address
It is significant the film stresses video piracy as way to attack shanty towns.
Is code for supression of free speech.also implies no respect for human rights.
The message that Liberty is letfist or that drug dealers and such are seen as subhuman is clear.
Also clear is the idea of Liberals seen as airy fairy unrealistic for promoting liberty and end to prisons and jails which contradict the idea.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Adding to list of fascist propaganda of Ian Eddington,le femme nikita, and James Bond films.
1-12 fascist volumes of Ian Eddingtons craphic novel series The Recruit if done manga style .
2nd Le Femme nikita 1-12 volumes in graphic novel or comic book format.
3.le femme nikita in dvd old 1960's or 70's or 19990's version.
4.Point of No Return the film where Nikita a girl on death row was recruited bt secret agency to do assasinations that is murder.
5.Remo williams The Adeventure Begins starring Fred Ward same plot but New Wark cop that is Newark not New York.
death fake like Nikita's. no doubt in graphic novel meet up. version of nikita 2000's with Asian nikita.
7.the obvious Bruce Willis films.
8.Stallone films.
9.Arnold Scharznegger.
10.Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.
11.Zero Dark Thirty.
12.Act of Vengeance[of u.s.a.]
13.War movie Falluja.
14. Act of Valour[obvious propaganda].
Propaganda Fascist sort in public libraries by Ian Eddington graphic novelist.
Fascist propaganda detected in public libraries featuring Hitler youth type spyrecruits called Cherub who work NSBP secret spy agency.
12 year old boy spies on suspected terrorist and copies her files unkown to her.
the book is about use of anthrax a recyled storyline.
Constitutions as computer programsor blocking ads in television would have been better.
but buttons which scan and remove adware not for propagandapurposes.
The Recruit is name of graphic novel a fascist propaganda socialists would advocate all remove as dangerous. in computer recruit can be removed alsoo phsically.
Illinois defence contract tied to milwaukee police beating and illinois police beatings.u.s.a. DETECTIVE=Gestapo
Business section defence contract propaganda connects to propaganda about man being beaten because accused child killer.
Many children have been killed in Middle East by bombs but no outrage by police detecives over that.
Detective in U.S.A.=gESTAPO.
This is example of fascism appealing to more backward elements in society .
Detectives do not use clues or detecting.there is no questioning of suspects that is for the jury ,prosecutor,and judge.
Fair Way Stores Mind control methods
Magazines and no political information is example of mind controlling the public in addition to the subliminal obey messages put in magazines.
Note no information for New Democratic Party,Liberal Party ,Libertarian Party, or socialist party on offer .
Rolling stone,Hockey fan magazine, touching fire in Hunger Games series.
Also no elevtoral information or magazines or forum magazines where citizens right in and implement their will in government with vote on issues.
No suprise that voter turn out low when no voting information by electoral agencies in store.There is the problem of ADVERTISEMENTS IN MAGAZNIES WHICH REQUIRE REMOVAL. ADS interfere with the content of the msgazines taking up space for stories or articles.
Commercial mgazines required ad block commitess to remove the advertisements. There iss very little of democracy in the waything are set up.
Mind control devices the crown and RCMP crown badges.
Crown =mind control. RCMP crown badges on uniforms=mibd control.
Ministry of Human resources badge=mind control the crown on Canadian ones.
Corporate Defence Force separate from national armies.
It has been said by Marxists that it is naive to expect The Civil Guard of ENGLAND TO BACK SOCIALISTS.
The capitalist elements in the armies would be separated by naming the corporate elements Corporate Defence Force a distinct entity from that of regular standing army. This what Marxists say armies such as the U.S.A. or England are .
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Intellctualism beyond highschool level as Leon Honour states .
Genocide in Ireland 1100's-19th century and United Nations findings that fit definition.
The nations of France and U.S.A. at different times backed Ireland and Europe in freeing Ireland from mind control and genocide in that Irish students like English ones were taken to schools and taught thatthey never had an elected government that Vercingoretrix and chiefs was it.
Just as native Americans were told culture inferior so were the people of Europe told they were inferior to the monarchy.Christianity was also use implying a democratic system was not as important as the monarchy. There are those such as Leon Honour who write on the internet of the intellectual state of people called the Trithers not going beyond highschool. Well it cannot be otherwise since the history of an elected government has been erased by the monarchy.
The United Nations,France ,and U.S.A. can define the monarchist system as genocidal and a genocide an intent to destroy a people in whole or part from Holy Roman Empire onwards.ThERE ARE THOSE who say Canada needs to acknowledge the genocide in 19th century to move on as nation but also needs acknowledge brain washing and mind control need to be defeated by the findings that brainwashing is part of genocide and is not enough to try those who perpetuate genocide or propaganda for that purpose but requires opposing brainwashing and mind control which seeks to destroy a nations in whole or part.
The capitalist systemthen requires destruction for reason is brainwashing and genocide. It would fit that.
also destroying in whole or part nations is done by denying them means of production or that they have the right to own means of production as in food production. or industrial productionsuch as u.s.a. for example.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Great Evil approaching mystic falls is National Guard,DHS,AND gENERAL cLICHE followed by atom bomb.
The ultimate evil will be preceded in mystic falls by Dracula and his were wolves,his zombie hordes,demons,ogres,an invasion of orcs,evil elves,dark sorcers,legions of evil, and then General Cliche who thinks bombing everything with atom bomb is the anser including mystic falls. but first he hased to bomb mystic falls with something else non nuclear bombs and wfire jet missiles at it and hellfire missiles from helicoptors.
First hsed to send in each commando service the u.s.a. has as well as the 10st airbourne from Fort Bragg even if they are hundreds of miles away.
Though even that will not be the ultimate evil though General clixhe played by footage of Rip Torn will be a vampire.
No Colin Poweell, dick cheney, the bilderberg group,bryzinkski, condeleeza rice, and The Canadian Conservative party will turn up in Mystic falls.only evil to canadians though[joke] The Liberal Party also. Of couese Stephen Harper will disavow any connection to the series since is true not starring in it.
National Lampoon could do something with that though. Saddam hussein would be obvious vampire choice as would osama bin ladenneed to be vampire shouls finish that off. then any ALQEDA types can be put in series.but the next weappon used to kill vampires will be defending right to rant that blog site with the martial artist Conservative. not white ash but only thing not used yet.
11 times name Connor used in Vampire Diaries season 4 episodes 1-5 1st disc.
The name Connor was used 11 times in Vampire Diaries season 4 1st disc.
Also theme of ultimate vampire hunters Brotherhood of The Five.
Sister Hood of Five is next followed by Motherhood.
The Van Helsing and the max shrek from the 1920's film Nosferatu.
All the series is missing is Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel from that series.
oh and Fay the evil vampire slayer.
so vampire army:
Eric vampire sherrif of lousina or bon tomps.
Bill Compton good vampire.
Angel good vampire.
Stephen good mystic falls vampire.
Damon in between vampire.
Spike when chip controls vampire side.
Blood Rayne the half blood vampire.
wesley snipes as Blood the vampire.
then Elena.
then Caroline.
then Tyler the hybrid were wolf vampire.
If Brother hood of Five dropped sexist title could the seven slayers.
2.the five
3.Van Helsing's clone.
or could just have vampire slayer national guard.
1,Van Helsing.
2.Broherhood of five.
4.summervale vampire slayers.
5.blood rayne.
6.Lost girl character of the fey from that series.
7.her friends a were wolf police detective.
a great evil was approaching in lost girld season just as in vampire diaries.
brainwashing vampire Diaries episode The Killer.
First the name Brother Hood of The Five used five times in the episode.
Hypnosis 3 times in the episode.
3 times in season 3 or two as well with a Professor maybe even same one with witch bonnie.
samme candle trick .
The professor casts doubt on her ability to see through his hypnotic tricks and while bonnie is distracted puts an item of hers into the drawer of his desk.
maybe even suggests she hand it to him but for sure the distraction of doubt helps.
In the episode word hostage is used 6 times.
1.If you release the hostages.
what age was the host in the mystic Grill where action took place?
Who wwere the parasites?
naturallthe word vampire was used 8 times an episode or more.
Sniper rifle propaganda vampire Diaries season 4.
Sniper propaganda in vampire Diaries season 4. creepy baldy sniper man using vervain hand.shake.
The handshake method is used in miltary hollywood action ilms where marnies ,soldiers, u.s. Green verets give eachother hand shakes .
also perhaps method of corporate mind control introducing something through skin or using buzzer type device used in hand to convey subliminal message reflected from inside hand off glasses.
Character in smallville who stole identities using that and the 4th season of vampire diaries.
Is hand scanner pristhetic or robotic scans information is spyware.
Braiwashing sadistic vampire hunters in episode Growing pains season 4 vAMPIRE dIARIES.
A sadistic guard wearing vest and shooting imprisoned character Stephen and telling him to shut up is the attitude U.S. Forces have toward Iraqis at Abu Ghraib
or The Nazis to jews and other prisoners in concentration camps.
Were it anyone else the guards would be fired and be sued by the ACLU as well as being on charges of brutality and crimes against humanity.
There is no reason to keep the pretence of evil in vampirism up when no need for vampires to feed on people.
The True Blood series would have had the back up Council put on trial.
The characters Bill Compton and sookie stack house in bon tomps and a cross over of the series there wouldhave ended that.
same problem happened with Caroline character when sherriff mother found out she was turned vampire but one who did no harm.
What is significant is the bigotry against vampires did not stop even when demonstrated went to local blood bank.
some pastor type said security at the local blood bank was not good enough and then sought to kill harmless vampires.
so Genocide was committed then. MR. Top Sadist said the previous deputies and sherriff were not sadistic enough so was relieving her of her duties.
Then in plot twist Witch Mother of character Bonnie warns her not to use the DARK Magic to help the body hopping real bad vampire Klaus.
perhaps also warning not to keep up plot line of sadistic vampire hating bigots. is like those who hate SOCIALISTS ONCE THOSE ARE IDENTIFIED .
The idea that people might assist others in owning means of production is cause for arrest and to treat with contempt and tell citizens to shut up and not dare excercise their rights. 1950's u.s.a. for example.
Brainwashing in the Disney films and other sow white movies.
1.Mirror Mirror Julia Roberts.
2.Snow White and the Hut's Man.
3.Disney Animated Snow White.
4.10th kingdom.
3 times mirror mirror on wall premise shown.
4 with Once Upon A Time Storey Brooke series.
5.with Shelley Duval's storey time series.
Cinderalla brainwashing similiar amount.
1.Ever After starring Drew Barrymore but still good.
2.ella Enchanted book by gail levine.
3. Disney's Enchanted previews of and the Prince Charming idea.
vON hORST would ralize his destiny among the cave dwellers of Lohar but first a scene of horror.
A giant reptilian bird with a box for a head out of which anteenae grew carried horst off to a volcanic tunnel and dropped him .There it paralyzed him laying him next to others forming a circle in the bottom of the cone . The others were eaten by the hidious boxed headed off spring which curled up and turned off temporarily before flying off .This scene was repeated many times and Horst knew it was his turn when the adult returned and held up a copy of Back To The Stone Age with one claw pointing to the price tag.
Yes readers Horst was devoured by the television set first in Johnny Weismuler films and then Peter Cushing film At The Eath's Core.
Take heed readers and avoid the horr of television or you too will be devoured.
Women receive mention only as part of power structure,Bathory,Joan of Arc,Queen Hippolyta,Joan of Arc
1.Joan of Arc.
2.Red sonja of power structure of Marvel comics.
3.The Amazons.
4.U.S. Women Soldiers.
5.Condeleeza Rice NSA advisor to Bush.
6.Margret Thatcher.
7.Queen Elizabeth.
8.Queen Mary.
9.queen maude.
10. Queen of the FAIRIES tITANIA.
16.Belit Queen of the Black Coast.
Socialism is not on that list.
Bathory legend brainwashing since virgins would mean no soldiers for Bathory estates.
Killing all the virgins on Bathory Estates would mean no one lft there as servant or mercenary security Guard.
That is how the feudal system was imposed at first and later brainwashing imposed to keep soldiers raised to believe in Feudal system not electoral system.
None could prove otherwise.women were mind controlled to be servents not equals.
aLSO WORTH NOTING IS EARLY FORM OF TELEVISION THROUGH A MIRROR BATHORY WAS SHOWN BY A WITCH AND A GREEN LIQUID ABSINTHE LACED WITH Lsd maybe to give Bathory visions. The Church is depicted as wealthy and corrupt and stealing The Bathory wealth even that the blood drinking was accusation to do so.
In light of all the blood shed on battle field the true vampirism was in war a.Remove World Holy from Holy Roman Empire and you get VAMPIRE a people who love blood shed or feed on it.parasite and vulture are also such names . Vampire is Empire on streoids.
Bathory ELezerbet legend AS BRAINWASHING since repeated so often.
The Anne Friel production of Elizebth or elizerbert Bathory the blood bathing Countess[cuntess] is brainwashing in that story done many times in book and film.
Also in that with all the rape scenes by soldiers after sieges like:Buda 1603 and others 1611 maybe up to 1614 .
Women are always portrayed as helpless and unarmed chased down and raped by victorious Christian soldiers though hard to tell since both sides are armed with scimetars which Ottoman Empires used in Middle East and how Turks where transported to Europe I do not know.Main point is likely Bathory used women soldiers todiscipline here house hold troops or that women soldiers existed but did not fit the propaganda of helpless women ravaged by The Turks or muslim women ravaged by Christians.At one point it looked like oldiers raped the serving maids at the Bathorymanse and one Bathory unless it was her husband.they all did look alike wwith long hair black Fez with feather a Turkish hat.probably taken from a fashion magazine of time.also some where wearing 18th century uniforms British Cold Stream Guars wore.Red WITH CHORIZONTAL WHITE DECORATIONS.aLSO EVERY OPPOSING ENEMY WAS EASY TO CHOP DOWN AND KILL AFTER A FEW BLOWS OF SCIMITAR EVEN ON A round SHIELD.
Bathory later tells her daughter of how the scimitar was wielded by everyone including the Grandfather of her daughters and was the sword which one so many battles keeping their estates and so her daughter would with such. So European broadswords replaced by scimitars.
Also Bathory Legend moved from 1500;s to 1600's aand then back again starting with her as girl in 1500's to cover uncertainty of time line I think.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
stereotypes page 7 edgar rice burroghs back to stone age book. man as protector srereotype.
Page 7. Edgar Rice burroghs book has stereotype sentence in which character Van Horst thinks about how it was good he had no woman or children to mourn the loss
of their father and protector.
The beggining can be adjusted ton include internet to all the radio and communication marvels described as being in the world above Pellucidar.
No doubt the next Harry Pooter book will be Harry Potter and Pelucidar and the next villain the maygars the pfterodactl intelligent species seeking to enslave PELLUCIDAR.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Brainwashing in Death penalty and executing political rival in 14th century England.
Brainwashing and mind control can be found in the assumption that killing political rivals is somehing those ordered to do would not question.
THE ASSUMPTIONS THAT EXECUTIONS WOULD BE SOMETHING THE HANG MAN OR SWORD OR ax executioner would carry out is a form of mind control.
So is the assumption of sentencing for prisons.THE JUDGE IN FILMS is always portrayed as sentencing a person convicted of a crime.
From these assumptions are formed the U.S.A. legal system .At no point does the impulse to proclaim those in volved as nincompoops setting back the judicial system 1000 years like Jaques Clueseau was said to in the film the Pink Panther.
Inspector Dreyfuss would provide the why The film Rubber proclaims is absent from all great films .
Or like Inspector Drefuss who wound up with the impulse to assasinate cluesau and in a straight jackett in psychiatric clinique in France the place he made numerous assasination attempts on cluesau.A comedy can be made in same way as satire of the justice system.
A person could see a trial where is debated whether not to feed those guilty of murder to crocodiles from the Nile or Alligators in The Everglades .
would make no difference to the Jury all required is suggestion that was legal system in Egypt so U.S.A. would do the same.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Corporate infiltration of You tube by ignoring how cars designed with exaust pipes to pollute.
Cars exaust pipes=pollution. Look at design. Corbett is presented as denying Global Warming.
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