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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bathory ELezerbet legend AS BRAINWASHING since repeated so often.

The Anne Friel production of Elizebth or elizerbert Bathory the blood bathing Countess[cuntess] is brainwashing in that story done many times in book and film. Also in that with all the rape scenes by soldiers after sieges like:Buda 1603 and others 1611 maybe up to 1614 . Women are always portrayed as helpless and unarmed chased down and raped by victorious Christian soldiers though hard to tell since both sides are armed with scimetars which Ottoman Empires used in Middle East and how Turks where transported to Europe I do not know.Main point is likely Bathory used women soldiers todiscipline here house hold troops or that women soldiers existed but did not fit the propaganda of helpless women ravaged by The Turks or muslim women ravaged by Christians.At one point it looked like oldiers raped the serving maids at the Bathorymanse and one Bathory unless it was her husband.they all did look alike wwith long hair black Fez with feather a Turkish hat.probably taken from a fashion magazine of time.also some where wearing 18th century uniforms British Cold Stream Guars wore.Red WITH CHORIZONTAL WHITE DECORATIONS.aLSO EVERY OPPOSING ENEMY WAS EASY TO CHOP DOWN AND KILL AFTER A FEW BLOWS OF SCIMITAR EVEN ON A round SHIELD. Bathory later tells her daughter of how the scimitar was wielded by everyone including the Grandfather of her daughters and was the sword which one so many battles keeping their estates and so her daughter would with such. So European broadswords replaced by scimitars. Also Bathory Legend moved from 1500;s to 1600's aand then back again starting with her as girl in 1500's to cover uncertainty of time line I think.

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