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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mind Control entrenched in 14th century not so much 900's.

Mind control of the sort where it might seem proper for a fedual Lord's guards to show up and kill a blacksmith for building ships which would improve the revenue of the lord was not yet viable so the exeedingly stupid Lord in Vkings would have had the authority of Mayor and the TING or Thing descibed as equivalent to courts would not have been same as authority of feudal lords of 14th century. Vkings were not an aristocracy but raiders and pirates in portrayal of the record. Also if any man made an attempt to rape a woman the other women would have knifed him and deposited the body where it would not be found. Mind control states that women not part of Socialist Red Army. Why not? Brain washing of 14th century not firmly established so socialism a possibility even Socialist Union and communists from the North set sail to help allies or fight vikings.human potential being what it is 900's would be socialist The proletsriat types would be the stone workers,ship wrights, loggers,and farmers. The question is how Normans were mind controlled to invade communist union in Europe.What really happened was communists fought monarchists . a monarchy is a system of hereditary ownership of money an ultimate form of capitalism where citizens mind controlled to accept control of their lands and money supply.counterfeit money.the law orginally was only the money of an elected government or that of the Socialist Union could be used or made.legal tender.he monarchists imply that their coin is legal but it is not being achieved through conquest so socialist and elected government money representing founders of nation legal or that representing workers the hammer and scythe.

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