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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Concentration Camps Frederickton Fredericksburgh and Dementia facilities for Elderly after 1919

1919 is the Bolshevik revolution or debrainwashing of Russian masses and ever after that dementia centres for the elerly have been set up and  Human based Global Warming ignored.
Dementia centres can be called brainwashing Centres.
An example is found where a salesman in the 2015 film The Internship remarks how transport carts for the elderly are a gold mine.After the 1949 national security act in u.s.a. salesmen emerged.
An attempt to deter Voters for Marxist Leninist parties was made.Conservatives vilified those who believe in social responsibility and society has responsibility to care for others in it and supply with means of production meaning tech in factories.So tie in forced assimilation of Native Americans,supression of socialism,and RCMP arresting indigenous for nature focused view and have picture of genocide.Add Radio Frequency ID Chips and the pattern continues.
In rural areas the complaints of police misconduct will end only with socialism if then
Canadian text books and work of Gwynne Dyer in the book Canada in the Great Power Game are either censored or ignore socialism in Canada.
Text books refer to opposition as rebellion and a man Riel is a case in point.
It is called ther Riel Rebellion when a citizen seeking to place a socialist program in Canadaopposed The RCMP and the crown.Same in England isnce time of Charlamagne.In U.S.A. same pattern occurs.Socialism and collective ownership of land were only way to resolve treaty problems after 1887in u.s.a. after 1919 socialism was removed from u.s. text books for reasoncapitalists feared socialism in U.S.S.R. They did so for fear would be tried for genocide and crimes against humanity.

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