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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Racism Author Bell Hooks and The Other.Also how Black Militia in 1776 Independance War U.S.A. Counter and African Coast Guard 19th century.

Standard racism in Manifest Destiny racist curriculum ignores black militia,African Coast Guard,and African Socialism after1877 when the preface to Communist Manifesto was written or revised one of the prefaces.Collective ownership of land was a plank of African Socialist Parties.Just as would happen after 1919 it was ignored or smeared.Slavers smeared socialism and the Unions for reason The First,Second,and Third International were attempts to over throw slavery in u.s.a. the first would have been most relevant.slavery and the u.s. civil war was over before socialism had a chance.A Revolution might have toppled slavery.Socialism and he Teamsters Unions played a significant part i eradicating slavery and was present since founding of Colony and Plymouth rock.the idea of social responsibility was there and 1492.Marx just refined it a bit but was strong in 19th century with Social services and cooperatives.Black militia had to fight slavery after fighting in war of Independance either along side Aboriginals fighting British Colonialism,and Socialists.White Conservative also fought in it but wished to impose a different system.other than equality To be free the U.S.A. required socialism but according to some a group called Rothschild imposed a monetary system which infringed on the liberty of U.S. Citizens.The constitutional right to be secure in home and possessions
was thought to be infringed on by U.S. Citizens who thought Communism was not about Communal ownership of factories and means of production.Also was usefull for Mcarthyites to claim ownership of means of production by workers was same as the workers seizing the private homes of individual non wealthy citizens.the housing plans in socialism was to provide housing which is still in dire need in U.S.A. due to all Homeless people.

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