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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Does it ever occur to people schools built on homes?

quite often a decision will be made by a city to move a high school and chop down some trees when it is not neccesary or it might even be possuible a residential area will be rezoned as an elementary school.
so picture this a man living there makes some coment like this; oh i see you are expanding my living space or library space oh so you are a teacher how nice you realize this is my house you know.

listen dick head if you don't leave so we can put the school where your house is we will call the cops.

or say the man has no home it burned down in a fire or he has no place to piss .

it could also happen with corporate head quarters .someone chops up thr home of some body leaves out the ath rooms to maximize profits and puts in offices. then tereats the person who lives there as delusional. or better yet the person works in  there for 80 years without anyone knowing. then the corporaton tries to lay the person off.the person says you can't fire me i don't work for you besides i live here this is my house .the corporation then calls the police and they refer the person to a pyschiatrist as delusional. picture for example the film obsession where the premse is smome how that wealth is assumed but every thing else is crazy

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