Propaganda like that in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice or the series Return to Cran ford potraying J.M. bARRIE THE AUTHOR OF PETER PAN as wealthy .there is a strain of propaganda running through books and literature which has me suspect much has been altered to give a false impression the wealthy rule or that wealth rules. may plays like aristophanes house hold god or gentlemen man of veron give this illusion. also the point of mac beth was a king an evil one surpresses democracy in a fantasy realm .also there iss propaganda about evil women in this . it is understood though why resistance to the three women defeating the chracter mc duff in that play might be resistedfor reason magnets and restoration of democracy dismantle the fantasy eliment of shakespeare as people know it. the two ideas being similiar all could be merged with skaspeare's midsummer's night's dream and j.m. barrie's peter pan with mac beth . let's say magnets prrevented the stabbing of thane duncan was it?and say a portal opening in the window of the chracter;s of peter pan into a wood full of dryads which move on the forces of mac beth.the only trouble is how tinker bell and captain hook get into the story .perhaps a a willow wisp in the swamp and captain hook raids the lands of the thane of cawdor in a flying ship. perhaps add a fe ones of norse men raiding the lands as well from the air say an alliance of portal coursairs opening portals in time. the film water world also could be similiar.perhaps add some sea sepentts the mid guard serpants and a film bridge battle called the twi light of the filmm maker's..perhaps a dragonn could make off with the films of hollwood .yes and all the heroes band together to defeat a copyright confedracy.
the chracter;s of peter pan joined by dragon's and twent mercenaries from merc iv.v
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