So let's examine history and see how it is not hard to come up with the concept of a car and possible to build any time in history. you have a box and a steering wheel and the rest. you think okay could fire or heat propel a vehicle .could burning pitch fuel a wagon. how about steam. take sieges of places where you ghavea siege engine or archimedes the drattsman who drew up diagrams of machines. now adding six wheels to a battering ram and roofing it in steel is possible. say you want to fuel it well you put some naptha in and test it . varous types of oil from olive oil to berry oil existed . not enough kick you say? well one wonders how with all the agruculture going on if oil might be discovered or if prohibitons on it in bronze age greece.
even today go carts a form of vehicle with steering wheel made. chariots were the race cars of the time.
you would probably not recognize the race cars from the indianapolis 500 as such for i am sure your cars are far more complex now .more like space craft .probably diamond shaped or triangle shaped hover craft maybe .or maybe you think 20th century did not get past the balloon.
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