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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Five Corners Critique on how supposed rapist had

The rapist chracter a person first of all would assume was Tim Robbins since he did look evil on the cover of the dvd  container  the disc was in. in addition there appears to be a woman who likes the supposed rapist.
he came into her apartment. she seemed to smile at him a lot.  the thing which does not make sense is the supposed rapist brought a teenage girl to his apartment when he already had a woman who seemed to like him.it seemed to me it was possible the woman in the apartment would not have minded if he had her .
there did not seem to be any reason to grab a teenager off the streets. it is interesting that the man said wake the fuck up toward the end of the movie asking the woman what do you see .

well what i did see was the supposed rapist touching the back of his head as if he had a problem there. made me wonder if he would have been in condition to do anything to a female.

also this brings to mind the orwellian maxim about the inversion of reality and those not stirred to challenge it. also the flm on you tibe called ditrty cop where a boy of high school age is walking around the block at the time a group of school children say a man has exposed himself to a group of children. made mee wonder if high schol students get harrased daily by the police on their way to school by cops who say :is that him/
who else gets harrased every time they step out side for a walk and get told to leave their neighbourhood?

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