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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Consider a Counter Propaganda ConradTime Travel Engineer where he waskes up one day steps outside and finds Feudal System.

Chaper 1: Conrad stepped out to vote but then  found a castle in place of voting booth and guards telling him he could not enter with out proof of belonging.
When he sought to excercise the comstitution of U.S.A. The Sherrif's Department sought to arrest him.
He resisted and formed a rebellion along side oter belwildered men an women finding feudal lords sexually harrasing women and human rights having no respect.
They fired their guns but were not noticed in history and so it contunued the Citizens all over the world fighting to restablish that written out of the record.
Assume that monarchy is crminal like a cult .
The F.B.I. through this history raided the shores oU.S.A. and monarcist colonists attacked The F.BI. with muskets and Columbus landed in U.S.A. to claim for Spain.
Assumeproipaganda iof mercenary imposed real estate systemfrom Office Of Srategic Services or a mercenary group.The Royal Strategic Reserve.r that Fantasy was where monarchy has always.been Reality is spelled Royalty.

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