United Nations failed to stop police brutality in New York where UN located.
The question arises why United Nations peace keppers were not ordered direct from United Nations building to sto police brutality against peace protesters in Vietnam War and Civil Rights marchers in southern U.S.A. during Civil Rights Movement.
The lynching of black men was adquate enough reason to deploy UN peace keepers who were required for reason local law enforcement not trsutworthy due to Ku Klux Klan white supremacist membership.any lack police would have been lynched.
Again with Occupy Wall Street riot police were deployed to attack protesters against Wall street and capitalism the UN did not deploy peace keepers to enforce human rights the impication being UN just there for show and no srious respect to be had for human rights on part of U.S.A.only to enforced in Africa or other nations.
DNSLOOKUPFAILED is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is a Stringer for Allvoices.
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