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Thursday, June 28, 2012


all natural disaters then blamed on terrorism

the poisedon film would seem to indicate it is the policy of the u.s.a. is to blae earth quakes and 100 foot waves on terrrists . for example the earth quake in bam on terrorists and any turbulence or wind strorms on terrorists and alter the contents of of films like towering Inferno ,Volcano , Twister , andatagory 7 about a storm. in catagory 7 the antiterrorist agent plays a vengefull christian who abducts the children of important families for the reason that a bible passage states the first born will be taken .the passage refers actually either to forcess of evil taiking the first born for scarafice or children being slected by god  for prrserving humanity from distruction.
anyway catagory 7 s and other things like tornados seem exciting enough it bothers me that where natural disaters happen that gun waving added.

New Poisoden adventure rogo chracter propaganda

The chracter played by a the actor in chuck the accidental spy a known player of C.I.A. and the chracter of jayne in fire fly starred as propagandist home land security type or sea marschal .

the 100 foot wave was not the plot but starts with raid in terrorist planning centre .
a man who looks like a member of a rock band dressed in a leather jackett wecomes a white architectwho enter the building and speaks in a fake snister voice .
then most or gunned down easy as eating pie .
the plans for poisedonship are missed.
dissappointment is furthered by there being no wave but the plot is bear barrelsand explosives not tsunami encountered at sea.the funny thingis the chracter rogo hits the supposed terrorist in the face with a hand gun the bad guywho looks like scretary koffi annan of the united nations in the face with a gun and then people asked why the man was so full of hate that he would want to destroy the ship.getting whacked by a gun and told how horrible you are would encourage that i would think.

Friday, June 15, 2012

war is based on deceiving into no magnet use

the game call of Duty 3 has a quote stated by the designers that warfare is about deception .

this is true much of that at least with regard to facscism is deceiving the public into not using the conductive capacity of water to fryy fascist troops with electricity. the same premise can be fund in designing and selling video games. for if it is ever understood there is truly but one premise green marxist revolution in role playing games then no money could be made no more. all the monster slaying is but side quest in end of feudalism in fantasy game.the dragon or troll would know all the gold and silver would best be put to use hiring merenaries and guards .you will notte tales based on st. george and the dragon or siegried or sigurd have a dragon hoard. or the east of the sun west of the moon collection features that.

Scorpion King 3 and non magnetic Akkadian king

The Scorpion King  3 starring bill y zane, Ron Perlman, and voctor webster features an early scene where a man punches the main character who is tied up hanging from the ceiling and says;''the only thing you Akkadians are good at is destruction look at what you destroyed not able to save a 3000 year old civlization. okay again magnets missing . it is clear through entire film steel swords in use .
so the chracter escapes and is hired to guard the book of the dead possed by king horus ally of a powerfull king probably of egypt. an norse ally is supplied to the akkadian but when they arrive there a detachment of the enemy seeking the book have attacked the palace.

there is also a scene where a sarcastic comment about charging into a palace yelling swords out.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Racism IN THE RICHARD Gere film brooklyn's finest

In the film Brooklyn's Finest  it is inferred by the police chief or other high ranking cop at the precinct station that precinct 57 is a high crime area and there is a scene where first of all a high school student is robbed and shot by the police who claim he is a drug dealer.

after that a group of other students black students are potrayed as talking about how crazy the shooting was and then potrayed as setting up drugs for sale.

then there is a scene at s night club  where a group of black men who look like something out of a 1970's film or a rapper super star group  with a bunch of gold chains  hanging over their chests set up the main dealer played by snipes to do a deal he did not want to do so the police could arrest him. the chracter of snipes had said several times he had ceased activity 10 years ago and did not want any more.

then there is the phrase by the under cover drug cop played by don cheadle who says to a white f.b.i. type are we even on the same planet. so I wonder is he saying the whole film is bogus and if so why not say so.http:www.twentith century fox.com

Friday, June 1, 2012

Integrating Hot Fuzz with Resident evil and Dragon heart

To integrate the stories of Hott Fuzz and Dragon heart all required is for evil chracter einon to leaern of the t virus of the umbrella corporation and have the labs of  the umbrella corporation located below the village the chracter from hot fuzz is required. also a time machine plot could be used  to get into the Just Visiting film starring Jean Reno and  be put innto a cup for  thibault to drink. and then the alien vs. predator films or aliens  films starring john hurt and signoury weaver could be used for resident evil or the aliens from that. then the concepts of dante's inferno. the film shaun of the dead satire like wise. could also gt into fantasy with ogres ,trolls and dragons running rampant in the country side.  a bunch of F.B.I. ogres eating those suspected of copyright infringement maybe. disguised ogres.

Hot Fuzz satire and character who took political class

the character in Hot Fuzz film it is said took political class  and also said the moral authority is all that keeps a police in authority . so as an expert in political knowledge the hero of hot fuzz would have hear of marxism and the working class so he would not have chased say a shop lifter like at the village he was reassigned to.

in aaddition it is interesting to note the chracter says pay close attention to what i say what do you see .
that to his partner .perhaps what people would see would be a hammer and sickle sign maybe and see people singing the internationale maybe in farsi as well .
the chracter also is potrayed as in urban pacification in riot gear but claims everything is about paper work and that his note book has been veery usefull saved his life countless times .maybe waving the communist manifesto at rioters might also work and inviting them to vote marxiist.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Resident evil film and hitler;s quote on not thinking

The concept of prisoners and people deserving to be locked up and how prison guards guarding prisons requires people and society not to think but believe everyone needs to be locked up in those prisons it is fortunate for those in power people believe that . though it seems the powers that be admit they have less control in that they require something like a tank now and water cannons to keep prisoners captive. what have they been doing to them one wonders? is it torture? there seems to be a policy of that with regard to terrorism? any secret underground torture chambers like spanish inquisition? for sure Alcatraz first used for the spanish would suit those purposes . or is it numbers? i read the u.s. imprisons more people than any nation in the world.
though a big deal is made of china not even it surpasses the .s.a. russia did not during the cold war about opposing communism and worker owned state.

u.s. accused serbia of ethnic cleansing when 1960's

U.S.A. in the 1960's was involved in ethnic cleansing a behavior which extends to the tenements in 19th century England AND ELSEWHERE IN THE uk.  The term development was used and corporate head quarters set up. also propaganda potraying jamaicans as drug dealers and contraband shipped from carribbean and drugs from meddelin and clombia .also black men as dangerous gangsters and the streets as unsafe at night and high crime areas . so the idea wwas to have a war on crime  and clean up the neighbour hood arrest the people there give them high prison sentences plus manufacture the need for more guns and sawt equipment militarize the police kick in doors and such.the idea being only wealthy thought human. so one wonders how else home less remain home less.as to contraband well that describes items people refuse to pay taax on for reason supports inequit or things which rightfully belong to people. for example copyright law claims films based on fairy tales are a crime to copy and tells the entire planet.films like dragon heart, lord of he rings,and others. say the coast guard finds these.well they say it is contraband.we say plagiarism. it is worth noting also the films which potray criminal activities are done without the permission of criminals so by copy right logic he film makers have no case for they benefit from crime and could maybe be charged with being accesory or supporting it.

B13 film and French fascism and u.s. 1960's ethnic cleansing

The attitudes in the french film Distric B13 AND b13 uLTIMATUM are similiar to the fascist attitudes of u.s.a. during civil rights movement in that it was the desire of real estate agencies to clear out the poor and put in white high paying wealthy neighbourhoods with mansions ,pent houses, and high paying apartments.
there was the attitude of the u.s. police that all the poor people were drug dealers. also it is noted first of all that a car at night parked in a mall parking lot was reported as being suspicious . nothing about whether cars or malls should be there .and then there is the attitude of the Department of Internal Security that those in b13 were vermin a term nazis used.and the attitude that five gangs controlled the district with weapons which unless part of militia cost hight.also it was implied that the cooking staff of a night club were smuggling cocaine or a lab hidden in the kitchen. that water melons used to smuggle cocaine as if legitimate buisiness was not enough .

after that it can be said the gangs controlling the area were really the police, automotive industry,realestate , halliburton, oil industry,the conservative party,and that constitutes five gangs.of course here is a similiar attitude in Los Angeles u.s.a. where for example the film the closer and otthers describesthe most powerfull gangs as being other than the LAPD .  uNION cORSE was one .interesing the Corsican Union a place near Italy has that name. the Mexican cartels and colombians most mentioned and the triads .also anyone with a tatoo and muscles is automatically a bad guy. perhaps the police arrest everyone who comes out of a tatoo parlour.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

on masses not thinking and bablylon ads embedded in games

Again taking the quote from Adolph Hitler and it being fortunate the people do not think t can be seen on sites where Tide  laundry advertises and the babylon free games sites . also it is intersting to note how activ X a form of gameware is said to contain 985  examples of malware but propaganda itself has not yet been designated as such. speeches like Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and other warmongering state ments.

the population of u.s.a. instead of asking to designate propaganda as defined as something delibrareltly mis leading racist and about belief in genetic racial military superiority. glorifying the use of force and contempt for civil liberties.hall marks of fascism.

on people not thinking colonialism is 1st world war

on the quote that it is fortunate to those in power that the people do not think it can be seen in the simple fact of Colonialism being 1st World war and people often putting ww2 instead of counting that. even universities make this mistake among people are linguist Noam Chomsky . and then there is the blame parties for not being left enough motif. as in The Liberal Parties are not far enough left so should vote for he democratic party backing miniumun wage raisng it and supporting seniors .the liberal party stands for that as well and for the arts and civil rights . of course if you want further left Green Marxism is an answer. worker owned factories and sch .should be easy as marxists assure people nothing runs without workers .al they have to do is take over and install electric motors and such in cars through the trade shops .maybe they are too brainwashed to do so .for sure could do that in Alberta home of the tar sands oil industry. again as to it being fortunate to those in power the people do not think then should the workers just take over because there is no need for politicians to gove them what workers already have?

How fortunate to those in powers says Adolph Hitler

The quote from Adolph Hitler about it being fortunate to those in power that the people do not think can be applied to the game industry .it is eesential to that as it is to the fiction and science fiction and fantasy industry that the people not think so that profit is to be had .the author is more flexible but   the gmaing code and flas scripts and advertising propaganda are not .  once a war game is made   the options are limited . the script of a computer game is hard to merge with that of another game .also same plots with a glossy mind eating or pseudo excitement inducing graphics are presented to overwhelm the impulse to see simply as a quest in a game. whole shelves are full of xbox games when in reality a single premise is required a role playing game with flags on map and names of new quests. no advertising at all and no sign ins also it can be seen how suitable propaganda is to role playing games and confined to that. the people do think but are unable as yet to confine prpaganda to role playing games.the propaganda is seprate rather than a quest in a game. kongregate and news grouns are example but most google ads are also. just type in free science fiction games and you will see.or take dungeon master 3 and most game squals or resitance 1,2,and 3.

Monday, May 28, 2012

jamake says perception key so no peru ruins

according to Jamake High Tower in his films on native americans and mythology native americans perceive the world in a different way .this could mean there are still people living in what people think are ruins or it is the perception of western eyes that these places are in ruins.

or an ancient torture national securitty set up similiar to the u.s.a. is keeping the inhabitants detained some where so they cannot rebuild .perhaps same reason no one rebuilds the greek or roman ruins or summeria or babylon.  probably  it is like those news papers which keep saying things like the population has decresed when can see people still there . the ancient torture appratus like u.s.a. maybe trying to prevent socialism and environmenntalism. ancient war destroying  americasn socialist state. how it is possible to use santayana maxim know your history is problematical when the let it fall to ruin or sinks like atlntis or bombed like nsgsaki.
also since High Tower says indians have different concept of time and do not even understand time as westeeners do maybe they could rebuild the south american ruins of peru or the western roman ones. maybe High Tower should use the proceeds of his films to help refurbish .maybe make as forensic restoration and museum

Russians driving their CZARS cars get it?

So let's examine history and see how it is not hard to come up with the concept of a car and possible to build any time in history.   you have a box and a steering wheel and the rest. you think okay could fire or heat propel a vehicle .could burning pitch fuel a wagon. how about steam.  take sieges of places where you ghavea siege engine or archimedes the drattsman  who drew up diagrams of machines. now adding six wheels to a battering ram and roofing it in steel is possible. say you want to fuel it well you put some naptha in and test it . varous types of oil from olive oil to berry oil existed . not enough kick you  say? well one wonders how with all the agruculture going on if oil  might be discovered or if prohibitons on it in bronze age greece.

even today go carts a form of vehicle with steering wheel made. chariots were the race cars of the time.

you would probably not recognize the race cars from the indianapolis 500 as such for i am sure your cars are far more complex now .more like space craft .probably diamond shaped or triangle shaped hover craft maybe .or maybe you think 20th century did not get past the balloon.

Jamake High Towerand possibility cars pre ice age

Jamake High Tower states the refusal of Europeans to believe native Americans could build things like ziggurats and temples is part of the stereotype and on going problem to believ in technological caablities of Americans. there is then point in which he describes the group of stone age hunters which wandered over an ice bridge into an unpopulated land  .then the ice in Canada all melted. sounds like Global warning due to cars does it not?
maybe if people could just accept that americans built cars the picture is complete .jamake makes references to continents sinking benesth the waves ones like atlantis and mu.  well maybe people were amuakins  or these to built cars  and global warming caused he sinking of the continents due to ice melting  in the arctic.
i mean after it happens again no one is going to know about the un or the international panel of climate change or global warning or even the socialist civilizations of venezeula and peru. and in russia archeologists will describe the ancient hammer and sicke civilizations of russia and how important stalin was and how he was defeated by a bunch of spanish men armed with blacl powder nt kalisnikovs which russians had then. just like the cities in the ndes and peru ans guatemala are described .he red army and it's kalishnekov assault rifles ,tanks, planes and nulrear missiles will remain unnown not that forgettin about nukes is bad thing.

Forgotten realms merged with Homer

Suppose Loth the spider queen looks through a portal and sees the bronze age world of the greeks. through this ortal pour the cruel forces of the dark elves . a war betwwen the gods heroes of greece and the forces of darkness every where ensues.with the help of satan the devil ,demons and three hells loth holds her own   .

it is then that lord sauron and the ring wraiths and his orcs and goblins manages to defeat the greek kings.

from that defeat a new group emerges the anarchists and in time sets up a democracy . fearing democracy the kingdoms of light in the forgotten realms and elven kingdoms turn to dark or the monarchy does.
 naturally this attacks einon again the chracter from dragon heart .this chraacter having made an assurance he would be geeater than his father makes alliance with the sith from star wars and creates a star empire of his own. emperor palpataine of star wars gives him a death star a spherical battle staton which destroys a planet with a single bean. einon then destroys any fantasy world ever written which will not submit. right up to the time the rebellion of the empie and others defeats him.

Dragon Heart and copyright censorship

The film Dragon Heart is ine you your self coud improve by the placement of ballistas on the hill that riders gallop down with drawn swords towards the village below. again the warning over copyright infringement.

there seems to be no thought that a person might wish to edit or change these films. similiar films are dragonslayer, dragon heart new beggining.  in one film the last of the dragons is played by sean connery but all a person need do is go into the other film to get a second dragon .suppose the villain of dragon heart got the second cast a spell on that one and used it for his dragon heart that being the premise of the film. or other possibilities are alliances with queen bav morda of the film wollow the evil lord in just visiing  which stars jean reno  and perhaps lord of the rings. now how to integrate . well lets say a ritual to call dragons is required .could easily show einon riding to the castle of bavmorda to make alliance .efforts to stop him. then maybe he spots the child being spirited out the one destined bring bavmorda down.  then it is up to he rebels od fragon heart. or say a dray helps them. .or a bunch of dwarves tunnel under the bavmorda castle. aan ancient fight between dwarves and usurpers. also a connection to portal in the under world and under dark .say bavmorda comes from menzobberanzen city of the dark elves one of the forgotten realms. create a Film Verse. i suppose the premise can be itis nt the dgragon heart which powers anything but copyrights which generates the evil armies. one you get to the copy right generator and turn it off you win.  there is one in each castle.but first heroes have to be chased around a bit for plot.

spielberg video clour purple has F.B.i. copyright notice

On the back of the 1986 film Colour Purple a spielberg film a warning that For sale or private home use only. Duolication or public of the product  is prohibited by the individual.traceble srial numbers and marings civil investigators and attorneys have been engage[in contravention of the bill of right and free speech anedment in the constitution] and supplement F.B.I  actions as shown below. warning: Fderal law provides severe rmininal penalties for the unauthorized production of film ordistribution of copyrighted material.

here i will make a note the film is based on a novel about racism and the experiances of African-Americans in southern u.s.a..

but no attention was made odf this fasct so   more is said on copyright it says: criminal copy right infringement is investigate by the F.B.I. AND MAY CONSTITUTE A FELONY UNDER [THE DICTATORSHIP]

 WITH A MAXIMUM of up to five years in prison or a 250,000 dollar fine.

it is interesting to note someone called tomothy mc veigh blew up the federal building in oklahoma. .  it might have been possible for him to sue holly wood. i mean     it;s against the constitution to prosecureamericans or dictate  what can be done to them. and ree speech remember?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thousands in foster care but schools close?

Papers make the claim schools have to close but thousands of children in foster care who will take you as you are?

why are there so many people in foster care? has someone been poisoning the parents or is a fascist police state killing them? is it the NAZIONALE  Security agency of the U.S.A.  The Nazi security agency that would be in german is mean national socialist is nazi so natzionale security agency is italian or german for national.
looking at 1949 nationasl security act. also saying things about sending school chldren to detention. though as far as i know thisonly mesns keeping them behind during recess or keeping them  in places in basement of schools if thy mis bhave. is only  temporary. they sit at desks is all.

slaying God with energy bolts

Suppose  a group of the scholars of Hamlar from the fantast game merc iv.v lead by Irena the Instructor used energy bolts on God .
in addition assume Thor hits God with a hammer and Zeus blasts God a few bolts. and fenris bites God. i would say  that finishes God off. sure i know christians could just make anyone who says anoter satan or claim like satan who challenged God and failed and landed in hell. speaking of whichthe name Valhalla sounds like Hitler and if someone named Hel as in hail or hel  then another bunch of norse nazi types are in the past.

so the film by nihlas winding refin valhalla rising could be like the film rISE OF hITLER  copyright 22005.

unless the vikings are fantast chracters. but the norrman conquest indicates some nordic fascist types in france or england. there is a town called Hel in fin land  i think or seden or norway  . i think norway for reason saw city off trondheim or troll heim in vicinity on atlas.

Propaganda in Finding neverland 2005 johnny D. film

Propaganda like that in Jane Austen's  Pride and Prejudice or the series Return to Cran ford  potraying  J.M. bARRIE THE AUTHOR OF PETER PAN as wealthy .there is a strain of propaganda running through books and literature which has me suspect much has been altered to give a false impression the wealthy rule or that wealth rules. may plays like aristophanes house hold god or gentlemen  man of veron give this illusion. also the point of mac beth was a king an evil one surpresses democracy in a fantasy realm .also there iss propaganda about evil women in this . it is understood though why resistance to the three women defeating the chracter mc duff in that play might be resistedfor reason magnets and restoration of democracy dismantle the fantasy eliment of shakespeare as people know it. the two ideas  being similiar all could be merged with skaspeare's midsummer's night's dream and j.m. barrie's peter pan with mac beth . let's say magnets prrevented the stabbing of thane duncan was it?and say a portal opening in the window of the chracter;s of peter pan into a wood full of dryads which move on the forces of mac beth.the only trouble is how tinker bell and captain hook get into the story .perhaps a a willow wisp in the swamp and captain hook raids the lands of the thane of cawdor in a flying ship. perhaps add a fe ones of norse men raiding  the lands as well from the air say an alliance of portal coursairs opening portals in time.  the film water world also could be similiar.perhaps add some sea sepentts the mid guard serpants and a film bridge battle called the twi light of the filmm maker's..perhaps a dragonn could make off with the films of hollwood .yes and all the heroes band together to defeat a copyright confedracy.
the chracter;s of peter pan joined by dragon's and twent mercenaries from merc iv.v

Thursday, May 24, 2012

if your blog is disabled the enable button

if your blog is disabled either you disabled it to create more space as an option  andd so need to enable it by selecting enable options in your blogger tool bar.

this can  be done i know.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

on Bio Shock game and darkness game excitement

A few months ago or weeks ago  I again came across a paage asking people what game did excite them the most. the choices were Bio Shock, Darknesses, and Resident Evil . probably predator,aliens and aliens colonial marines might have been another .it was. i still think that it would be easy to add for quests of resident evil or the aliens vs. predator series. say clearing the outpost,rescuing the survivors,and dealing with the alien menace.
obviously halo and mecha mercenaries would be factions in game .the halo a ring of ancient technology  could gernaerate lots of quests to defend.  and the old punisher game would be good to add as  well.
and finally add bio shock as game but perhaps not it might be putrid as quest from sound.

Greekoplis claims not to be just another internet game

i beg to differ on Greekoplis being  not just another internet game.

the premise of armour and swords looks similiar and othr games gave different worlds and choices as does greekopolis . I think though as a quest name in merc iv.v it has potential .also as a faction in the game the greekpolis faction which in turn brings greek mythology and hercules to the merc iv.v game.the thirst of night game matches bump in the night or the redead quest so would make nice addition.Dracula also would fit in as the last wave in the strategy quest. games like Tribal Fusion,Aika, and Adventure Quest also would fit in.Legend of the Void also fits with spritely conundrum in merc iv.v.the sealing the rift quest is the one it matches most of all . now flash player or these game sites might ask to store information on your computer. i am m not sure if neccesary to do so to add a few of these new quests.now if anyone has any suggestionsd other thancopying and pasting the name thirst of night and such into the merc iv.v map with flash copy and paste script and using two different scripts with motion blocks well say so.

magnetic yahoos invade france in dumas storyline

suppose two sets of people equipped with magnets invade france and europe. say the first are yahoos having been able to find and defeat the lilliputians with magnets. in turn the lilliputians were  pursued all the way to europe. another bunch of magnetic types led by Gulliver arrive after france and europe has been defeated by the yahoos and richiliu seizes power. the three musketteers join gulliver and make weapons out of bronze and find way around magnets.the soldiers of lilliput having no monarchy thus form a democracy based on the little people . Gulliver is elected President of England or france. this due to there being no monarchy richiliu having defeated and destroyed it ecoming sle ruler of europe.

Meerging gulliver;s travels and three musketeers

Merging the three musketeers    with gulliver;s travels might work in that the musketters might take a journey to the land of the yahoos  for  reason one had become the cardinal of france richiliue .again the lilliputians could be utlized in the invasion o f france and for other small wars in the 20th century as satire . perhaps also using the song again war what is it good for and inserting jack black who did well in gulliver;s travels into say the 20111 musketeers film. could also do that for the odyssy see if could fit lilliput into oddysseues;s voodyssy and make it one in time as well.  i mean odyssues lands of the island of the cyclops probably encounters little folk. probably ire land little folk and odysseues winding up in bronze age ire land might be intresting. the chracter janus in rome as lokking into doorway into future and past could be utilized to bring the hercules legend tohgether with the odyssy and he argonauts. i think this has been attmpted before with weak results. i suppose also hercules will have to fight google since his taks are oon it. and google eat God and the judeo-christian religion and all religonsince is in it's search engine. or perhaps could have an ogre eat the google search engine.

pull armour of koltoir soldiers with paint scrapers

if not already said before the armour of the koltir soldiers could also have been pulled off either by paint scrapers on a long stick or with a snow shovel.  i suppose a protctive cross piece might be handy .also a gardening hook would be good for hooking chain mail and removing it off enemies while being covered with arrow fire from say five bows strung on a whelled machine. also possible to attacks chords and weapons to machines to fight as automated battalion, .could also make some giant hands and strip the soldiery bare. hollywood film studiois has these as props . naturally depends on supressing he enemy fire though disarming and taking the armour off really is sufficient. humliating the enemy would be terrible after all

tin snip typeDefence against kotir

in the brian jaquesbooks there was also the option in the moss flower book to use tin snips or something more poerfull the jaws of clippers like that of garden tols for pruning. or a macine like say a siege engine with prining hook tin snip weapons mounted to snip the swords of the kotir soldiers in half or kotir soldiers themselves . in addition perhaps could fire thse tin snip type things over the walls to chop defenders on the battle ments of kotir in half. a button perhaps atached to the clippers or a sttel cable yaking the clippers open and closed. other methods perhaps getting on walls in steel cable cars like thoseabove ski rresorts running through moss flower and onto the walls of kotir .dropping in. or ramming the soldiery with battering rams and spikes if they come into the open. also using ballidtas on the masssed soldiery and siege catapuaults or trebuchetsand spiked steel balls. firing carved large stones shaped like loaves of bread .using stalictites from caves.tunneling underneath. anyay it was said that the first battle against the kotir was lost. it is possible i think non proffesional ttypes understand siege engines and catapaults well enough and the other measures even a big cross bow bolt to pierce armour understood.maybe though to intimidaTED BY BELIEF DID NOT KNOW ANTHING IN MOSS FLOWER.GUESS THEY THOUGH USING ALL THOSE TECHNIQUES WOULD STILL LOSE.

Moss Floer kotir and 2011 musketters critique

The Brian Jaques Red Wall series features aprequel to the book re d wall in which a professional army of stoats,weasels, rats,and so on armed with steel weapons are hard to defeat by wood landers for reason professional s armed with steel weapons and in steel armour.there is a phrase from the 2011 three musketters film where the father of d.artnagnen as his last sword instruction says to d,artagnen the enemy will not always fight fair. so taking that into accounts magnets could have been usefull. say a plot where that martin the warrior chracter coming from the north is equipped with magnets and defeats a patrol say of these kotir.then say in a page kotir is finished. the second page would have then come back in bronze armour unless a bronze magnet could be made,. in addition large cross bow bolts attached to steel springs could be used to puncture armour .and weapons crews using rapid fire bolts placed in cylibders and launched by strings attached to a cross piece across the weapond could work. say four chords fed through a coss piece that when pulled back launches the arrows. also  steel saws could br made to decapatate the enemy. skill saw blades attached to chords. .also caltrops or saws placed near ground wth trip chords. big saws or serrated pblades that chop off the feet off attackers or paws in this case.also metal spikes attached to coils that sring up and impae kotir troops.

advice of constance in 2011 three musketters ignored

the advice of Constance in the 2011 version of Alexander Dumas's three musketeers  was ignored i think. Costace made the remark about how D'artagnen while good in the sword department was lacking in wit in other departments. this could be interpreted as his failure to use magnts to absorb the bulets or disarm his enemies. i note  d.artagnen was shot early on in the film . there is also the scene in the inn where porthos,aramis,and athos speak of how the musketters are obsolete.perhaps magnets could have   done this even more. in addition there is the crack richiliu the villanous cardinal makes in the film about the intellect of king loius the monarch of france. loius seems to only be concerned over whether buckingham wears green or blue
another thing which has always bothered me is the title of duke. it is like say the dick of so and so has arrived for peace talks.  i mean that is what was said in the film .if you go by the origianal spelling.other points again there is option to use magnets against flying ships equipped with cannon which both sides have at least one of.i am sure with extended footage in film these would fight without magnets .there is also a song at the end about how when we were young and foolish we did not understand the price of letting othrs be strong and everything was what it seemed.

Not enough children schools close down but man...

So you might have seen the articles in the paper about how an elementary schol had to close down due to not enough children  then there are all those 20th century fox films where the police fantasaize about beating up men who expose themselves to children. but i always thought education was what children were supposed to be exposed to .like the works of karl marx and engels. but speaking of penises those icmbs inter continental nuclear missile look like gian penises and then there is corporate propaganda  via the idiot box directed aganst chiildren. so let's say ;;oh no a man is over there exposing children to the ideas of karl marx oh hoorors their young minds will be permanently scarred for life thy will never be the same again

Does it ever occur to people schools built on homes?

quite often a decision will be made by a city to move a high school and chop down some trees when it is not neccesary or it might even be possuible a residential area will be rezoned as an elementary school.
so picture this a man living there makes some coment like this; oh i see you are expanding my living space or library space oh so you are a teacher how nice you realize this is my house you know.

listen dick head if you don't leave so we can put the school where your house is we will call the cops.

or say the man has no home it burned down in a fire or he has no place to piss .

it could also happen with corporate head quarters .someone chops up thr home of some body leaves out the ath rooms to maximize profits and puts in offices. then tereats the person who lives there as delusional. or better yet the person works in  there for 80 years without anyone knowing. then the corporaton tries to lay the person off.the person says you can't fire me i don't work for you besides i live here this is my house .the corporation then calls the police and they refer the person to a pyschiatrist as delusional. picture for example the film obsession where the premse is smome how that wealth is assumed but every thing else is crazy

Five Corners Critique on how supposed rapist had

The rapist chracter a person first of all would assume was Tim Robbins since he did look evil on the cover of the dvd  container  the disc was in. in addition there appears to be a woman who likes the supposed rapist.
he came into her apartment. she seemed to smile at him a lot.  the thing which does not make sense is the supposed rapist brought a teenage girl to his apartment when he already had a woman who seemed to like him.it seemed to me it was possible the woman in the apartment would not have minded if he had her .
there did not seem to be any reason to grab a teenager off the streets. it is interesting that the man said wake the fuck up toward the end of the movie asking the woman what do you see .

well what i did see was the supposed rapist touching the back of his head as if he had a problem there. made me wonder if he would have been in condition to do anything to a female.

also this brings to mind the orwellian maxim about the inversion of reality and those not stirred to challenge it. also the flm on you tibe called ditrty cop where a boy of high school age is walking around the block at the time a group of school children say a man has exposed himself to a group of children. made mee wonder if high schol students get harrased daily by the police on their way to school by cops who say :is that him/
who else gets harrased every time they step out side for a walk and get told to leave their neighbourhood?

Monday, May 21, 2012

copyrights notices on five corners film about rapist

In the Jody Foster  film Five Corners a 1988 fiilm the  plot is about a convicted rapist Tim Robins come back to stir up trouble.
the 1988 film features a warning that there will be severe criminal penalties for the unauthorized copying.
they stupid dvd also claims federal.

hey are these bozos oblivioius to the irony here? people say the education system in schools has gone down the crapper and this is an indication of moronic behavior


The film Super 8 contains  a scene where a deputy sheriff refers to a girl as trouble and her father as trouble. the confusing thing is early on in the film someone who rrsembled the father was been arrested by a sherrif's deputy saying no you do not under stand oh i knew trying to explain anything to you was a mistake. and preceding this was a quote that another chracter a boy had a father who did not understand him. okayy so around midnight the boy and a few others go off to film a movie in a car which a teeange blonde girl drives. now i am thinking since cars caue global warming that is he trouble .that scene could be cut.
later on the boy bicycles to the house of the girl who rrsembles a man arrested halfway across town.

what made me wonder is the same misunderstood boy was standig next to the house as the man was arrested
Then another quote from a chracter a plump boy saying you are such an idiot.so put that togther with anti-copyright  attitude and the proof that anyone can make a film similiar to the a.j. spiel berg film this proves copy right is ridiculous.the film is obviously a 1960'sfilm or  one with 1960's attitudes as can be seen by one chracter talking like a 1960's hippie and offering the main chracter boy some weed in the photo store and saying it would take a few weeks to develop he film but he cold rush the job in three. i am confussedi thought super 8 was a sort of video camera news people made not the other type that requires a dark room.