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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Long Mire episode 3 contains stereotypes of the reservation of Indians going back to the 19th century. These feature an Indian living off the reservation and becoming a prostitute. There IS ALSO A SIMILIAR WORD PRESSTITUTE MADE IN REFERENCE TO PROPAGANDISTS FOR CORPORATIONS. THE WORD IS SPELLED PROSTITUTE NOW AND PRONOUNCED THAT WAY so the true meaning is obscured. The Indian in the stereotypical episode was a 16 year old girl but the age should have been adjusted to 18 or 19. Anyway the plot was she became a prostitute.it of course being implied that no employment centre or work programs existed in the town.also being Wyoming there was no reservation at all. most of the reservations might have been in Arizona or Cheyenne. There is also a pattern of not being able to identify people and being unaware of local Unions,teachers associations,and not checking real estate listings as clues.Also the Indian girl might have been s member of Idle No More a group opposing oil use in cars and the destruction of the water shed..Unions also might have come in handy such as a Stripper's Union in the case where a stripper was found dead. Also solidarity between Unions would indicate that other unions would support good pay for strippers an safe working conditions. in the episode Long Dark Road anyone in overalls is portrayed as quaint backwards religious types usually Mennonites OR aMISH. mENNONITE PROVIDES CLUE AS TO WHY IT IS THOUGHT NO WOMEN HELD POLITICAL OFFICE IN 19TH CENTURY u.s.a.SINCE THE NAME mEN IN THE WORD. SO ACTUALLY IN THAT SENSE THE HISTORICAL RECORD OF U.S.A. 1776 ONWARD IS mENNONITE . In addition POINT OUT THAT THE POLICE OR SHERIFFOR SHERIFF'S OFFICE OR U.S. ARMY IS NOT HELD IN THAT SAME QUAINT OBSOLETE LIGHT. you do not see some one saying oh one of those obsolete Republican or Democrat Pary members either.neither are corporations or corporate lawyers held as quaint.a conspiracy to destroy intellect of police and public can be suspected in fact it is the case as the dumbin don of america through education and books glorifying the british empire demonstrate.in england too THE mENNONITES WROTE THE HISTORY BOOKS AND FASCISTS DEVELOPED THE RELIGIOUS SEEMING rED CROSS O THE UNION JACK.

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